Agenda item
135565/FO/2022, 135566/LO/2022 & 135583/LO/2022 - Land Bounded by Deansgate, Great Bridgewater Street, Watson Street and Peter Street Manchester, M3 4EN - Deansgate Ward
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing that presented an application relating to planning and listed building consent to refurbish and convert the Great Northern Warehouse into Grade A office accommodation. The Leisure Box complex would be partially demolished and three residential buildings (16, 27 and 34 storeys) constructed to form 726 homes. Deansgate Terrace North and Deansgate Terrace South would be refurbished and altered to form commercial space. New public realm and highway works are proposed.
Two objections had been received.
The planning officer referred to the Supplementary Information, stating that there were 3 planning applications to consider for the development and the Committee could consider each individually. 10 further objections had been received since publication of the main agenda, focussing on the impact to nearby residents, Porchfield Square and St John’s Gardens, concerns over associated traffic flows. Manchester Central had enquired about information on acoustics and removal of the bridge link and Historic England were to comment on the 3 towers at the development. The dwellings were built for rent. With reference to acoustic readings, some dwellings would require enhanced glazing. A proposal for traffic on Great Bridgewater Street had been modified at condition 41 to remain as a two-way street. The Committee’s consideration of this application should not rely on traffic flows and other modifications.
No objector attended the meeting or addressed the Committee on the application.
The applicant attended and addressed the Committee on the application, stating that the scheme was SRF compliant, would create new job and public realm and had been devised by a passionate team. The team had been delivering great developments for the past 7 years.
Councillor Davies, spoke as a Ward Councillor. Reference was made to objections regarding Condition 41, prohibiting traffic on Great Bridgewater Street. Councillor Davies noted that Historic England had commented on the 3 residential towers as “not ideal” and would like further consideration given to the impact of them in terms of noise and light impacts. Councillor Davies and residents referred to the message not coming through in pre-planning regarding closure of roads. Consultation was also undertaken during Christmas and some residents had not understood the full focus and had thought it was just for the warehouse and square. They were surprised to learn of the other aspects of the scheme. Councillor Davies welcomed the development, stating that Great Northern Square was vastly underused and the addition of a village hall and play area were very good.
Councillor Flanagan proposed to move the officer’s recommendation to approve the scheme with 2 additional conditions: Confirmation that the offer of electric charging points would equal 100% and that the developer would pay for these.
Condition 41 to be addressed to remove traffic restrictions/narrowing of Great Bridgewater Street and Watson Street. Councillor Flanagan raised concern about a lack of disabled parking on Watson Street but stated that he could approve if the reference to traffic restrictions/narrowing of Great Bridgewater Street and Watson Street were removed.
Councillor Leech added that there was zero affordable housing. He noted £6m and the same amount to be spent on public realm and enquired whether £5m could be spent on public realm with a further £1m going towards affordable housing.
Councillor Lovecy raised concerns about impacts on nearby residents in terms of light and shadowing at Longworth Street and asked if this had been addressed in the report. In response the planning officer stated that this had been taken into consideration, adding that all nearby residential building were considerable distance away from the proposed towers.
Councillor Flanagan accepted that 10% profit would not allow for any associated affordable housing funds but asked if there was any condition to receive some funding if the profit margin was higher i.e., over 15% profit. The Director of Planning stated that this was already within the report.
Councillor Flanagan moved the officer’s recommendation of approve for the scheme, subject to conditions within the reports and with the additional condition regarding removal of restrictions/narrowing of Great Bridgewater Street and Watson Street.
Councillor S Ali seconded the proposal.
Councillor Andrews sought confirmation that the Committee were moving approval for all three applications within the report.
The Chair confirmed that the three applications had been moved for approval with Councillor Andrews and the Committee before proceeding with the vote.
The Committee resolved to move the officer’s recommendation of Minded-to-Approve subject to the signing of a section 106 agreement in relation a future review of the affordable housing position, subject to other conditions and amendments within the reports and with the additional condition regarding removal of traffic restrictions/narrowing of Great Bridgewater Street and Watson Street.
(Councillor Davies left the room after making representations as a Local Ward Councillor and took no part in the ongoing discussions or decision-making process).
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