Agenda item
Former Central Retail Park - Updated Strategic Regeneration Framework
Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached
The Executive considered a report of the Strategic Director Growth and Development), which provided details an updated Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF) for the former Central Retail Park site, and sought approval of the Framework in principle, subject to public consultation.
The Leader reported that the redevelopment of the Former Central Retail Park was a long-standing strategic priority for the city and identified for development in previous planning documents, including the Ancoats and New Islington Neighbourhood Development Framework (2016) and Development Frameworks prepared for the Central Retail Park site in 2015 and more recently in 2020.
The 2020 Development Framework had now been reviewed to reflect the current market position and positively respond to the latest market requirements to provide purpose-built offices and high-quality facilities for workers.
A new Strategic Regeneration Framework had been produced, which built on many of the key design principles set out in the in the 2020 Framework, to provide a comprehensive approach to the future redevelopment of the site, supporting the Council’s aspirations to drive economic growth through the provision of new high-quality Grade A offices to attract new companies to Manchester, surrounded by attractive and accessible public realm.
The updated SRF also responded to a potential interest from the Government Property Agency (GPA) to locate government offices on the site and work collaboratively with the Council to help unlock this development opportunity. Were GPA to commit to offices at the Former Central Retail Park, this would provide the catalyst to deliver the masterplan and provide socio-economic benefits, including new high-quality jobs.
Councillor M Dar addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor for Ancoats and Beswick. He welcome the revised SRF proposals as it took on board the concerns of the Ward Councillors and residents of Ancoats and Beswick in relation to the original SF and he welcomed the public consultation on the new proposals.
Councillor Leech welcomed the revised SRF proposals. He sought clarification as to whether the propose open space would be classified as a park and whether it would be publicly maintained by the Council. He also sought assurance that should the proposals in relation to GPA not come to fruition would there still be a commitment to include green space in the proposals. The Strategic Director (Growth and Development) confirmed that the proposed open space would be public space but it was not possible at the present moment to determine the management arrangements for this space. The site was a key strategic location for the city that had significant interest from third parties and as such the Council was confident there would be demand for the site including accessible public realm.
The Executive:-
(1) Approve in principle the proposals set out in the draft updated Former Central Retail Park Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF).
(2) Request the Strategic Director to undertake a public consultation exercise on the draft updated Former Central Retail Park Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF); with local residents, businesses and other stakeholders.
(3) Agree that a further report be brought back to the Executive, following the public consultation exercise, setting out comments received.
Supporting documents:
Former Central Retail Park – Updated SRF, item 112.
PDF 115 KB
Appendix - Indicative Parameter Plan, item 112.
PDF 446 KB