Agenda item
Single Use Plastics
Report of the Head of Integrated Commissioning and Procurement; Strategic Lead, Resources and Programmes and the Sustainability Project Manager, Zero Carbon
This report provides an update on work being undertaken across the Council on Single Use Plastics.
The Committee considered the report of Head of Integrated Commissioning and Procurement; Strategic Lead, Resources and Programmes and the Sustainability Project Manager, Zero Carbon that provided an update on work being undertaken across the Council on Single Use Plastics as part of the action under Workstream 3 of the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan.
Key points and themes in the report included:
· Providing an introduction, noting that in 2019 Manchester City Council had pledged to eradicate avoidable Single Use Plastics (SUPs) by 2024;
· All ten Greater Manchester local authorities, plus the Greater Manchester Combined Authority had committed to actions related to reducing SUPs including aiming to eradicate avoidable single use plastic;
· Describing the Council’s commitments as stated within the refreshed Manchester City Council Climate Change Action Plan 2020-25;
· Progress to date; and
· Next steps.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· What approach was taken to SUPs at markets, noting the success of the Christmas markets;
· Noting that for specific health conditions it was necessary to use a straw;
· How were avoidable and unavoidable plastics assessed; and
· What was the approach taken to the various supply chains via the Council’s procurement process on the issue of SUPs.
The Sustainability Project Manager responded by advising that SUP food and drink serveware and bags had been banned on the Manchester Christmas markets since 2019, and this was routinely checked by officers. She further noted the comment regarding access to drinking straws for those with specific health conditions and advised that information on this would be provided to the Member following the meeting. She further advised that the Zero Carbon Team would continue to support the key messaging and enforcement surrounding SUPs, which will reflect the outcome of most recent Government consultation on a potential further ban on SUP items when known. She said they were committed to working with different teams and external partners on education and engagement on SUPs, including the Events Team to support them, adding that they produced written guidance in the form of a range of Sustainable Events Guides, including a specific guide on reusable cups and shared examples of good practice
In response to the question raised regarding the distinction between avoidable and unavoidable plastics she advised that the approach was to understand what was in use; categorise the item as avoidable or unavoidable by 2024 through consideration of alternatives, including production and waste stream consequences. She also clarified that the categorisation of SUPs would be completed as part of action planning process within the next six months, so that avoidable SUPs could be eradicated by end of 2024 and a plan in place for unavoidable SUPs beyond 2024.
The Head of Integrated Commissioning and Procurement advised that the Council had introduced a 10% evaluation weighting in procurements relating to climate change and the environment. He said that written guidance in relation to this was provided to contractors, noting that the questions asked of suppliers needed to be relevant to the specific nature of the contract. He advised he could provide written examples of questions asked regarding SUPs to the Chair to use in response to a resident’s query.
The Deputy Executive Member for Environment and Transport called for the increased awareness amongst the population on the issue of SUPs. In response to a specific issue raised regarding the licensing regime, the Chair suggested that she should pursue this in her capacity as a Deputy Executive Member.
To note the report.
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