Agenda item
Draft Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy
Report of the Strategic Director (Development)
This report provides an overview of the draft Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy.
The Committee considered the report of Strategic Director (Growth and Development) that provided an overview of the draft Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy.
Key points and themes in the report included:
· Providing an introduction and background;
· Consideration of the main issues associated with the strategy; and
· Providing the draft Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy for comment.
The Committee had been invited to comment on the report prior to it being considered by the Executive.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· Noting the challenge and increased costs experienced by leaseholders wishing to install Electrical Vehicle Chargers, and what support could the Council offer tenants in negotiations with their landlords and property owners;
· How would Electric Vehicle Charging Points be distributed across the city; and
· How did this strategy complement other strategies, noting that the ambition was to improve public transport, improve options for active travel and thus reduce the dependency on cars.
The Strategic Director (Growth & Development) advised that the strategy described the role of the Council. The strategy recognised that this area of work would be led primarily by the market, and would respond to demand.
The Interim Head of Infrastructure and Environment acknowledged that there was a need to introduce more electric vehicle charging facilities, hence the production of the strategy. He further advised that the installation of domestic charging points was primarily currently for those with the funds and ability (i.e having a driveway) to do so, adding that the Council had limited ability to intervene between a tenant and a landlord on this issue.
The Senior Policy Officer stated that this strategy would be reviewed in recognition of the speed of which technology developed. She said that these initial proposals were for the Council to consider the best use of their estates and facilities to deliver charging points, noting that grid capacity would also have to be taken into consideration. She said that the use of Council facilities would supplement wider provision by the market. She further commented that any new developments were now required through planning conditions to ensure electric vehicle charging points were installed.
The Interim Head of Infrastructure and Environment stated that the GM 2040 Transport Strategy had committed to 50% of all journeys being undertaken by public transport and active travel, and anticipated an increase in the use of electric vehicles. He said that as demand developed, the location of electric vehicle charging facilities across the city would remain under review.
The Deputy Executive Member for Environment and Transport reiterated the importance of delivering an integrated sustainable transport strategy, adding that reliable alternatives would reduce dependency on cars. She stated that this also needed to be considered in the context of climate and health justice, noting the significant issue of air quality and health implications, particularly for children across the city.
In considering this item the Chair reiterated the need to consider this topic in conjunction with the strategies to improve active travel and improve connected public transport across all areas of the city.
1. The Committee recommend that an additional principle be included in the list of Principles listed at page 15 of the Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy. To read as ‘Electric Vehicle charge points should be readily available and accessible to residents wherever they live in the city.’
2. The Committee recommend that the Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy be considered in conjunction with emerging policy and strategy on public transport and active travel.
3. The Committee recommend that the Executive approve and endorse the Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy, noting the above recommendation.
Supporting documents:
Draft Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy, item 81.
PDF 106 KB
Appendix Draft Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy, item 81.