Agenda item

Agenda item

[11.15-11.45] Climate Change - Impact Of The Recent Heatwave

Report of the Director of Public Health


This report provides an overview of the impact that heatwaves will have on the city and details the activity underway to adapt to a changing climate and reduce the health impacts of future heatwaves in the city.



The Committee considered the report of the Director of Public Health that provided an overview of the impact that heatwaves would have on the city and detailed the activity underway to adapt to a changing climate and reduce the health impacts of future heatwaves in the city.


Key points and themes in the report included:


·         Providing an introduction and background, noting that in July 2019, Manchester City Council had declared a Climate Emergency which recognised the need for the Council, and the city as a whole, to do more to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change;

·         The UK had experienced a brief but unprecedented extreme heatwave from 16 to 19 July 2022, as hot air moved north from the near continent;

·         The Met Office had issued its first red warning for extreme heat since the Extreme Heat National Weather Warning Service was introduced in June 2021;

·         The impact of heat on health and those identified as being at risk;

·         Discussion of the Manchester context, noting that climate projections suggested that Manchester would face warmer summers and more extreme heat events in the future;

·         Activity in Manchester to reduce the impact of future heatwaves, including information on the Heat Pack, Heat Vulnerability Index and Local Climate Adaptation Tool; and

·         Climate change was a key theme and action within the Making Manchester Fairer Action Plan.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -


·         The Committee paid tribute to the Public Health Team for their timely and important response during the heatwave to support the residents of Manchester;

·         The need to recognise the importance of Public Sector workers in supporting residents; and

·         Noting the significant impact heat had on the health of older residents.


The Head of City Policy informed the Committee that the Manchester Climate Change Framework had recently been updated to include more focus on adaptation and resilience including the consideration of heat. He added that detailed work on this issue had commenced in conjunction with Manchester Metropolitan University, the Met Office and the University of Exeter and would help to inform the Council and partners decision making.


The Assistant Director of Public Health informed the Committee that a range of data would be released by the Office of National Statistics that would help understand the impact of the recent heatwave, including the numbers of excess deaths and pressures and demand on other services, such as primary care. 


Councillor Shilton Godwin, Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Scrutiny Committee was welcomed by the Committee. She thanked the Committee for considering this important report and stated that heat would continue to impact upon the city as a direct result of the climate crisis. In response to a discussion regarding the impact of planning and climate change, she advised that the Environment and Climate Change Scrutiny Committee would be considering a specific report on this subject area at the meeting scheduled for 9 February 2023.


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care paid tribute to all of the Public Health team for their effective and immediate response during the heatwave. He informed the Committee that at that time all health partners were in constant contact to monitor the emerging situation using real time data.




To note the report.


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