Agenda item
LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) Annual Report 2021-2022
Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Education Services
The purpose of the annual report is to provide an overview and analysis of the management of allegations against adults who work with children in a paid or voluntary capacity in Manchester, for the period 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022. This includes how effective the safeguarding partnership is in discharging its statutory responsibilities. The report considers the learning and development over the last twelve months and sets the priorities for 2022-2023 based on the analysis of activity.
The Committee received a report of the Strategic Director of Children and Education Services which provided an overview and analysis of the management of allegations against adults who worked with children in a paid or voluntary capacity in Manchester, for the period 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022. This included how effective the safeguarding partnership was in discharging its statutory responsibilities. The report considered the learning and development over the last twelve months and set the priorities for 2022-2023 based on the analysis of activity.
The main points and themes within the report included:
- Keeping children safe;
- Overview of enquiries and referrals data;
- Managing allegations;
- Service reflection;
- Service achievements; and
- Key priority areas.
Some of the key points and themes that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:
- What happened in situations where an allegation could not be proven;
- Information-sharing and support on safeguarding for voluntary organisations and faith groups; and
- Were there any concerns about under-reporting.
The Service Lead (Safeguarding) reported that LADO investigations were multi-agency, including the individual’s organisation, and that, in cases where allegations were not proven, any training needs, for example, understanding that they should not be alone with children, would still be identified. She informed Members about the training that was available for organisations, including sessions to make them aware of the role of the LADO and that they could ring the LADO for advice if there was anything they were not sure about.
The Strategic Lead (Safeguarding and Practice Improvement) advised that, although they could not be sure of what was not being reported, when compared to other north-west councils, Manchester appeared to be doing well in terms of people knowing about and using the service. She advised that they wanted to be able to focus on prevention, helping organisations to have recruitment and work practices which kept children safe, and making parents aware of what standards should be put in place for groups involving children.
In response to a question from the Chair, the Service Lead (Safeguarding) advised that in the previous year the LADO had received no referrals from Youth Justice and Youth Work but that, following training, enquiries and referrals from these areas had increased. She agreed with a point from the Chair about using a range of methods, such as billboards and libraries, to make people aware of the safeguarding measures that they needed to put in place if they were running a group for children and young people. In response to a question from the Chair about private tuition, she advised that the service had a responsibility in relation to making parents aware of safeguarding, including when arranging private tuition for their children, and the role of the LADO. The Chair advised that information should also be provided in other languages.
1. To note the report, including the progress and impact being achieved by the LADO service in Manchester.
2. To agree the goals set out for 2021/2022 with regards to the continuous drive for improvement of service delivery and the impact on the children’s workforce and children.
Supporting documents:
- LADO 2021-2022 Committee Report, item 53. PDF 95 KB
- Appendix - LADO Annual Report 2021-2022, item 53. PDF 366 KB