Agenda item

Agenda item

District Centres

Report of the Strategic Director - Growth and Development.


This report provides an update on regeneration, investment and development programmes focused on several District Centres across the City.



The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director of Growth and Development and the Director of Development which provided an update on regeneration, investment and development programmes focused on several district centres across the city.


The key points and themes within the report included:


·         Manchester has 17 designated district centres within its Local Plan and each centre is distinctly individual, with a variety of economic and social characteristics;

·         Funding opportunities available to kickstart district centre regeneration and investment, such as GMCA’s Brownfield Housing Fund and Evergreen Fund, Levelling Up Funding, the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Council’s Affordable Housing Programme;

·         Works undertaken in Wythenshawe, Moston Lane, Gorton and Chorlton;

·         The planned programme for future works and investment in Strangeways, Cheetham Hill, Harpurhey and Newton Heath; and

·         As part of investment into district centres, Small Business Roadshows were held in Moston, Withington and Longsight and concentrated on digital skills, upskilling employees, financial training and wider business community networking.


In introducing the item, the Chair informed those present that each district centre would be focused on in turn with an opportunity to ask questions regarding each area. The Chair had also received statements from local ward members and would relay these at the appropriate time in proceedings.


The Chair also explained that members of the committee had undertaken a site visit in Wythenshawe town centre with officers and local ward members prior to the meeting and acknowledged the opportunities available.


The key points and queries that arose from the Committee’s discussion on the general approach to district centres included:


·         The strong sense of pride and community across Manchester;

·         The need to consider permeability, accessibility, good signage, the quality of the public realm and cleanliness in district centres;

·         How digitally-excluded residents will be consulted;

·         Plans for additional Small Business Roadshows and whether these could be held in specific areas;

·         The importance of the Business, People and Skills theme within the Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF);

·         Requesting an update on the progress of government discussions about SPF funding;

·         Footfall monitors, and whether this data is shared with businesses;

·         What support was available for the hospitality industry following the pandemic from both central and local government; and

·         How the order of district centre works was prioritised and whether this is need-led or opportunity-led.


The Executive Member for Housing and Development highlighted the significant work that had been undertaken to improve district centres across Manchester and the value of the Institute of Place Management and the District Centres Subgroup’s work.


The Committee was informed that common issues for district centres included footfall, residential provisions and diverse offers. It was acknowledged that the high street had changed as a consequence of a rise in online and out-of-town shopping.


Members were advised that the next Small Business Roadshow would be held in Hulme and that requests for other locations would be relayed to the Work and Skills team, who are eager to extend this to other areas.  


The Executive Member for Housing and Development concurred with the need to share data on footfall with local businesses and explained that this had happened in Withington and resulted in some businesses changing their opening hours to when the district centre was busiest.


In response to queries regarding the Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF), the Strategic Director for Growth and Development explained that funding through the Business, People and Skills theme would be administered by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and funding based on Skills was scheduled to be assessed towards the end of the SPF programme. Bid rounds would open in due course over the next few years and both GMCA and Manchester City Council would work to protect valuable services and maximise the use of resources across Greater Manchester.


The Head of Neighbourhood Management recognised that not all residents had access to the internet to take part in consultations and advised that Neighbourhood teams understood the communities they worked in and had strong networks to provide a multi-form way of communicating plans.


The Executive Member for Housing and Development explained that support for the hospitality industry was available during the COVID pandemic but this had ended. The Executive Member supported the industry’s calls for further intervention on business rates and VAT. The 6-month energy cap for businesses was welcomed but it was felt to not provide security for an appropriate amount of time.


The Strategic Director of Growth and Development also highlighted that The Growth Company offered an advice service for businesses and would circulate further information on this.


With regards to whether district centre works were need-led or opportunity-led, it was reiterated that a ‘one size fits all’ approach was not being taken. Some district centres had strong business or community networks and required Council support and empowerment to achieve their vision whereas others required deeper interventions to facilitate improvements.


It was stated that areas of deprivation and in need of support were identified in all Council decisions.


The Strategic Director of Growth and Development also advised that the schedule of improvements to district centres was devised through analysis of need, demand and opportunity and that where the Council had levers, such as land assets, a stronger basis for intervention was possible.




That the report be noted.

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