Agenda item
[10.40 - 11.15] Armed Forces Covenant Update and Annual Report
Report of the Strategic Director of Children and Education Services and Strategic Management Team Armed Forces Champion
This report introduces the Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report for 2021/22 which is presented to Council each year as part of the commitments made under the Covenant, providing an opportunity to reflect upon progress made against the Covenant Action Plan.
This report also introduces the Armed Forces Act 2021 which will place new statutory duties upon councils and other statutory bodies to have due regard to the principles of the Covenant when exercising certain housing, education, or healthcare functions.
The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director of Children and Education Services and Strategic Management Team Armed Forces Champion that introduced the Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report for 2021/22.
Key points and themes in the report included:
· Noting that the report would be presented to Council;
· Providing an introduction and background;
· Information on the formation of the Armed Forces Covenant Steering Group;
· Describing that the Armed Forces Act 2021 placed new statutory duties upon councils and other statutory bodies to have due regard to the principles of the Covenant when exercising certain housing, education, or healthcare functions; and
· Next steps.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· The Committee welcomed the report and the progress described;
· Welcoming that the Council had achieved Gold Status from the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme due to significant progress in becoming a forces friendly employer;
· Did the other boroughs across Greater Manchester have the Gold Status;
· What was being done to support those ex-service personnel who experienced homelessness in Manchester;
· Were soldiers from the Commonwealth entitled to access the same support; and
· Welcoming that the Armed Forces had been added to the Council’s Equalities Impact Assessment template to ensure all services had due regard to the impact their service had on this community.
Councillor Judge, Lead Member for the Armed Forces, spoke of his pride in the report and paid tribute to the team who had delivered this important area of work. He stated that it was a ‘living’ report which reflected the lived experience of ex-service men and women. He stated that he had immense pride in the Armed Forces Day each year and stated that this was very well attended in Manchester. He stated that it was his ambition to have the national Armed Forces Day event held in Manchester, and he would continue to lobby for that.
In response to the specific questions, Councillor Judge advised that eight of the ten boroughs across Greater Manchester had obtained the Gold Status from the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme. He further stated that those ex-service personnel who experienced homelessness in Manchester were known to services and voluntary groups and there was regular engagement to offer support. He further advised that Commonwealth soldiers were entitled to the same support and made reference to his experience of working with a Commonwealth soldier and his family who now lived in the Help For Heroes housing scheme delivered at Canada Street. He further advised the Committee that any omitted names from war memorials could be added and if Members were aware of any such cases to contact him directly.
The Committee also heard from the Equalities Specialist Officer who spoke of his experience since leaving the Armed Forces. He further commented that the refresh of the online Armed Forces Toolkit had been important to ensure the Council provided necessary and improved information, links, and signposting for veterans, reservists, their families, and professionals working with the armed forces community.
The Committee welcome the report and support the call for the national Armed Forces Day event to be held in Manchester.
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