Agenda item

Agenda item

[11.50-12.10] Enabling Independence Accommodation Strategy (2022-2032)

Report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Services, the Strategic Director Growth & Development, the Strategic Lead for Commissioning, Children and Education and the Strategic Lead for Homelessness


This report provides an update on the development of an Enabling Independence Accommodation Strategy for Manchester (2022-2032).


The Committee considered the joint report of the Executive Director of Adult Social Services, the Strategic Director Growth & Development, the Strategic Lead for Commissioning, Children and Education and the Strategic Lead for Homelessness.


The report provided an update on the development of an Enabling Independence Accommodation Strategy for Manchester (2022-2032). Describing that its key aim was to improve housing with care and support options to meet people's needs and better enable their independence.


Key points and themes in the report included:


·         Providing an introduction and background;

·         Describing that this was a partnership strategy, developed between Adults, Children’s, Homelessness, Strategic Housing and Manchester Housing Providers’ Partnership (MHPP) provider;

·         The strategy was the product of an extensive consultation, with both internal and external key stakeholders;

·         Describing the four key objectives of the strategy; and

·         Next steps.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -


·         Planning policy needed to include a requirement for developers to ensure all new build homes were adaptable in the future;

·         Recognising the need and challenge to engage with the Private Rented Sector on this issue;

·         Noting the importance for people to remain in their homes so they could remain connected to their community and support networks; and

·         The need to consider the support offered to older residents who were owner occupiers and had limited resources.


The Deputy Director Adult Social Services informed the Committee that people were at the heart of Strategy, adding that it was recognised that housing was a significant contribution to a person’s health and wellbeing. She further made reference to the report ‘Extra Care Growth and Developments in Manchester’ that had been considered at the Committee’s June meeting, that had described the activities to support residents to right size and remain in or close to their community. She further commented that the Better Outcomes Better Lives programme would also support people to remain in their homes where appropriate.


In regard to the issue of new developments the Head of Housing Services stated that developers were challenged on the issue of future adaptability, however it was often an issue of affordability for developers. He stated as the Council developed and sought to approve the Local Plan this would be an opportunity to consider if this should be included as a planning condition. He further noted the comments from the Committee in regard to the challenge presented by the Private Rented Sector on this issue.  In response to a comment raised regarding the Housing Allocations Policy he stated that this had been amended in November 2020 and a report on the outcome of the policy changes would be considered by the Economy Scrutiny Committee in the new year. It was noted that if the Council decided that it wanted to review the policy again this could take approximately 2 years based on the previous review.


Guy Cresswell, Executive Director, Great Places Housing Group spoke on behalf of Manchester Housing Providers’ Partnership. He stated that the strategy was fully endorsed by the Partnership. He stated that the Partnership supported the evidenced based strategy and welcomed the whole system approach to deliver the best outcomes for Manchester residents.




The Committee agree that the final version of the Enabling Independence Accommodation Strategy (2022-2032) be taken for consideration by the Executive in November 2022.


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