Agenda item
Manchester City Council Climate Change Action Plan: Quarterly Progress Report, Quarter 2 2022-23 (July - September 2022)
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer
This report provides an update on progress in delivering the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan during Quarter 2 2022-23 (July - September 2022).
The Committee considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer that provided an update on progress in delivering the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) during Quarter 2 2022-23 (July - September 2022).
Key points and themes in the report included:
· Noting that a refresh of the CCAP 2020-25 was approved by the Environment and Climate Change Scrutiny Committee and Executive in September 2022;
· That the refreshed CCAP will be implemented across all workstreams from Quarter 3;
· Providing an introduction and background;
· Highlighting the key messages from the Quarter 2 Progress Report, noting that the Council was making good progress in meeting its target to reduce its direct CO2 emissions by 50% by 2025; and
· Key achievements.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· Noting the progress reported and thanking all officers involved for their continued commitment on this important work;
· Noting that emissions associated with business travel had increased and virtual meetings should be prioritised;
· Further information on the Fallowfield Loop/Manchester Cycleway was requested;
· An update was requested on the activities of the Zero Carbon Finance and Investment Sub-Group;
· The need for the Council to lead on this agenda and seek to use all its powers of influence and leverage on the issue of carbon reduction;
· Despite the reluctance from government to adequately respond to the climate crisis, Manchester and the wider city region were taking action to address climate change;
· Active travel, including safe pavements to promote walking and that installing bike stands in appropriate places needed to be prioritised;
· Specific resources should be allocated to deliver active travel in the city; and
· Good practice and lessons learnt from other cities needed to be shared and consideration given as to how they could be implemented across Manchester.
In response the Committee’s discussion, the Executive Member for Environment and Transport stated that she was in discussions with other Core Cities regarding good practice and lessons learnt and commented that Manchester was regarded as leading on this agenda. She advised that she was committed to the issue of Active Travel and that a report on this was scheduled to be considered by the Committee in January 2023, and this would include information on the findings of the public consultation. She advised that Climate Change was embedded across all Council strategies, such as Public Health. In regard to funding to support Active Travel she advised that in addition to the continued lobbying of government for fair funding, all opportunities for funding were explored across Greater Manchester. The Committee noted that budget related reports were scheduled for consideration. She further advised that Highways was reported to the Economy Scrutiny Committee.
In response to the questions raised regarding the Fallowfield Loop the Executive Member for Environment and Transport advised that all affected ward Members had been consulted and updated, however if Members had specific questions they could contact her directly. She further added that she would pick up the issue raised in relation to parks outside of the meeting and update the Member directly.
The Strategic Lead – Resources & Programmes provided an update on the Zero Carbon Finance and Investment Sub-Group by advising that this work had progressed over the previous months and involved UK Core Cities. He stated that the intention was to work together to maximise private sector investment to support and deliver programmes of work to address climate change. He advised that a business case would be developed and submitted to government to secure investment to support this work. He advised that there were significant potential and interest from the private sector to progress this. The Committee welcomed and supported Manchester’s involvement in these important discussions.
To note the report.
Supporting documents:
CCAP Q2 22-23 Cover Report, item 69.
PDF 136 KB
Appendix 1 CCAP Quarterly Progress Report Jul - Sep 2022, item 69.