Browse meetings

Browse meetings

Audit Committee

This page lists the meetings for Audit Committee.

Webcasts of meetings are available at Webcasts on Vimeo.

Information about Audit Committee

The Committee oversees the effectiveness of governance and risk management arrangements, internal systems of control, and anti-fraud and anti-corruption arrangements. Approves the Council’s Accounts engages with the external auditor and external inspection agencies, including responding to External Audit’ Annual Management Letter and including external audit verification.


Copies of the agenda are available beforehand from the reception area located in the Rates Hall in the Town Hall Extension (entrances on St Peter’s Square and Mount Street). Some additional copies are available at the meeting from the Governance Officer. 


The Council is concerned to ensure that its meetings are as open as possible and confidential business is kept to the strict minimum. When confidential items are involved these are considered at the end of the meeting at which point members of the public are asked to leave.


The Council welcomes the filming, recording, public broadcast and use of social media to report on the Committee’s meetings by members of the public.


Agenda, reports and minutes of all Council committees can be found on the Council’s website