Agenda and draft minutes

Agenda and draft minutes

Manchester Partnership Board - Thursday, 29th February, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions

Contact: Mike Williamson 


No. Item


Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 94 KB

To agree as a correct record the minutes held on 10 November 2023




The Board approved the minutes of the previous private meeting held on 23 January 2024 as a correct record.


ICB Executive update


The Chief Executive Manchester City Council (Manchester Place Based Lead) informed the Board that a two year plan to address the £180m deficit to achieve a break even position was being devised and a detailed report on this plan would be provided to a future meeting of the Board. She further discussed the recent visit to Manchester by Sir Chris Whitty KCB, Chief Medical Officer, noting that he had visited North Manchester and had acknowledged the system wide work involved in the Making Manchester Fairer programme, and the placing of population health at the heart of this work. He had commented that this work would be reflected and highlighted as good practice in his national report. The Chief Executive Manchester City Council (Manchester Place Based Lead) expressed her appreciation to all staff who had facilitated the visit.


The Deputy Place Based Lead informed the Board that a focus was being given to emergency and urgent care across Greater Manchester, with particular reference to the 76% 4hr Accident and Emergency (A&E) standard. He commented that performance on the number of out of area placements for mental health patients continued to be reviewed and positive progress was being made in this activity. He further advised that the financial planning for the next financial year continued to be progressed.




The Board note the update.


North Manchester Strategy pdf icon PDF 509 KB

Report of the Director of Public Health (MCC), Associate Director of Operations, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and Group Chief Finance Officer, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust attached


The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health, Manchester City Council; Strategic Director (Population Health), NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (Manchester); and North Manchester Strategy Programme Senior Responsible Officer; the Associate Director of Operations, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust; and the Group Chief Finance Officer, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust that provided an update on The North Manchester Strategy programme that brings together the partnership work that spans and seeks to maximise the impact of the major capital developments in North Manchester – the healthcare-led North View build and North Manchester General Hospital (NMGH) site redevelopment; and the residential-led Victoria North development.


The report described the composition and function of the North Manchester Strategy Board (NMSB), noting that it was responsible for the strategic direction and oversight of the North Manchester Strategy and its associated programme of work. The report further provided an update on the capital investment, with particular reference to North View, a £105.9m of investment by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust’s to replace the existing Park House mental health inpatient unit. An update on the North Manchester General Hospital redevelopment; the Victoria North development, that will deliver around 15,000 homes during the 2020s and 2030s. Discussion of the delivery of social value, noting the North Manchester Social Benefit Framework articulated social value priorities, opportunities and outcomes around which partners were mobilising their social value efforts.


Reporting that a key part of the NMGH site redevelopment masterplan was the Healthy Neighbourhood concept, which responded to the North Manchester Strategy by seeking to utilise Trust land to facilitate the development of a mixed generation neighbourhood with a focus on wellbeing to meet the needs of the North Manchester community whilst also maximising the research and development opportunities the new campus will provide. Discussion of the academic collaborations that would be realised through this wider programme of development.


Finally, the report described that Carbon reduction and wider environmental sustainability plans were embedded in each of the capital developments and collaborative priorities under this theme would be progressed for the 2024/25 year.


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care, MCC

commented that Manchester had been able to clearly articulate the ambitions and vision for North Manchester, with place at the heart of all plans during Lord Markham’s visit to the area. He further acknowledged the North View development as very positive and this view was reiterated by other Board members.


Board members also acknowledged the work being delivered already in neighbourhoods as part of the Making Manchester Fairer programme to address health inequalities.


Jenny Ehrhardt, Group Chief Finance Officer, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust advised that the discussions regarding the funding for the new hospitals programme were ongoing, with business cases submitted. These would then be subject to consideration and formal approval by the Treasury in April 2024. She commentated that conversations were ongoing as to what this would mean for North Manchester specifically. She commented that more specific detail would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17.


Strengthening strategic partnerships across Health and Care with the VCSE sector in Manchester pdf icon PDF 287 KB

Report of the MPB VCSE representative and the Joint Director of Equality, Inclusion and Engagement attached


The Board considered a report of the MPB VSCE Representative and the Joint Director of Equality, Inclusion and Engagement that was prepared to raise awareness and galvanise action surrounding the immediate and ongoing issues impacting the VCSE sector as a key strategic partner within the ICS. It is also to confirmed the principles and agreements that would underpin Manchester’s integrated collaborative response to sustaining the sector and integration of their insight, expertise and leadership in the future developments and delivery of the City’s health and care priorities. The report discussed the work and progress delivered to date; key challenges and issues and opportunities.


The MPB VSCE Representative made reference to the significant financial challenges experienced by the sector, with particular reference to the cost-of-living crisis and the additional pressures placed on the demand for services as a result, especially for those organisations who were not contracted. She commented that there was a significant risk of losing valuable services and experienced staff who deliver early intervention and prevention services. She asked that the Board acknowledged these risks and plan to stabalise the sector going forward, noting that this would allow leaders in the sector to participate more widely in forums such as this. She commented that there was an opportunity to redeploy existing VCSE resources to address health inequalities in Manchester, noting that there were experts in various fields across the VCSE that should be around the table and part of wider discussions and utilising this knowledge to inform strategic developments and planning. She asked the Board to approve the recommendations presented within the paper.


The Chief Executive Manchester Local Care Organisation made reference to the benefits of working collaboratively with the VCSE, particularly in regard to contracts and commissioning, noting that this learning would be shared. She also referred to the this learning from experience to develop a strength of voice by bringing VCSE partners together, noting that there were many positive examples of this approach and the benefits realised. She commented that she would be happy to support this work.


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care, MCC stated that he fully supported the recommendation to the establishment a system-wide task and finish group to work on a Manchester-specific VCSE Strategic Plan to support the delivery of MPBs priorities and align the GM Accord in a way that is relevant to Manchester, addresses local barriers, builds on local strengths, supports the city’s strategic plans, and meets the needs of our citizens. He commented that whoever convened this task and finish group should ensure that the correct partners were present at meeting. The Deputy Place-Based Lead acknowledged the previous contributions and noted that this would be an opportunity to build upon and harness the strengths that already existed in Manchester, and he would be happy to lead on this work.  The Chief Executive Manchester City Council (Manchester Place Based Lead) commented that this would present an opportunity for timely reset, and it would be a useful exercise  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18.


System Finance Update pdf icon PDF 618 KB

Report attached


The Board received a presentation from the Associate Director of Finance, NHS GM (Manchester), which provided an overview of the financial position as of month 9 across the system.


The Chief Executive Manchester City Council (Manchester Place Based Lead) commented that the situation remained challenging and referred to her comments at the beginning of the meeting. She stated that the pressures were as a result of increased demand and need and the resulting cost of meeting this need. She commented that any savings realised would not be to the detriment of service delivery.


The Group Chief Executive, MFT stated that they were working towards a break even position in the current financial year and planning was ongoing for the next financial year, recognising the significant challenges that would be presented, especially in regard to increase in attendance demand. The Chief Medical Officer, NHS GM stated that Manchester had a positive system wide response to reduce demand and all opportunities for learning should be shared and utilised, noting the comments expressed in relation to the evaluation of the Hospital at Home programme and the benefits realised.




The Board note the update.


Manchester provider Collaborative update pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Report of the Chair of Manchester Provider Collaborative Board and Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Social Care attached


The Board received a report which provided an update on the work of the Provider Collaborative Board (PCB), as part of the agreed reporting cycle to MPB. The report covered the outputs of the 18 January 2024 meeting.




The Board note the report.


GP Board Update pdf icon PDF 241 KB

Report of the Chair of Manchester GP Board attached


The Board received a report which provided an update on the work of the General Practice (GP) Board, as part of the agreed reporting cycle to MPB.  The report covered the outputs of the February 2024 meeting.




The Board note the report.


Clinical Professional Advisory Group update pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Report of the Chief Medical Officer, Manchester Local Care Organisation attached


The Board received a report which provided an update on the work of the Clinical Professional Advisory Group, as part of the agreed reporting cycle to MPB.  The report covered the outputs of the January 2024 meeting.




The Board note the report.


Delegated Assurance Board update pdf icon PDF 296 KB

Report of the Deputy Place Based Lead attached


The Board received a report which provided an update on the work of the Delegated Assurance Board, as part of the agreed reporting cycle to MPB.  The report covered the outputs of the meetings held on 17 January 2024 and 7 February 2024.




The Board note the report.


Palliative and End of Life Care in Manchester pdf icon PDF 471 KB

Report of the Deputy Place Base Lead attached


The Board received a report on the subject of Palliative and End of Life Care in Manchester that had been considered by the Health Scrutiny Committee at their meeting of 7 February 2024.




The Board note the report.