Agenda and minutes
Manchester Partnership Board - Friday, 15th September, 2023 2.30 pm
Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions
Contact: Mike Williamson
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies Minutes: The Leader was not present at the start of the meeting. The Place-Based Lead chaired the first part of the meeting until the Leader joined. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 106 KB To agree as a correct record the minutes held on 7 June 2023 Minutes: Decision
The Board approved the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 June 2023 as a correct record. |
ICB Executive update Verbal Update Minutes: The Chief Medical Officer, NHS GM provided an update on behalf of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) Executive. In doing so she provided an update on the following areas:-
· The transitioning of staff into new roles and outstanding positions · The anticipated future financial position; and · The impact on performance arising from planned strike action
The Leader joined the meeting during his item and took the chair.
The Board note the update. |
Report of the Deputy Place Based Lead attached Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Deputy Place Based Lead, which gave an overview of the key elements of the Manchester system’s proposed approach to winter planning for 2023/24, alongside updates setting out what would be delivered by partner organisations over winter.
A full system winter plan was to be developed through the two urgent care system boards – Manchester and Trafford Operational Delivery Group (ODG) and Urgent Care Board (UCB). A first iteration of the system plan would be shared at the September Urgent Care Board, with a further update in October, and then as required throughout winter.
In line with previous years, the Manchester and Trafford System Resilience Team would lead and co-ordinate on all aspects of winter planning and the lessons learnt from winter 2022/23 had been incorporated into the organisational delivery plans.
The approach to winter planning had also been considered by the MCC Health Scrutiny Committee and the Council’s Executive. The Provider Collaborative would consider the system plan in October and would have an important role in helping to shape the final plan.
The Board discussed the report in further detail. The Board noted that organisations within the Manchester system had more detailed winter plans that each informed the system winter plan. The system winter plan sought to draw out overall pressures across the system and identify areas that required cross-system collaboration. Further work was being done on demand and capacity mapping across the system, which would inform the winter planning process. Work was also underway to align available system funding against the priorities outlined in the winter plan.
(1) The Board note the contents of the report. (2) The Board approve the winter planning process proposed and the role of the Provider Collaborative and Urgent Care Board in developing the winter plan further. |
Measuring progress against MPB priorities PDF 237 KB Report of the Deputy Place Based Lead attached Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Deputy Place Based Lead that stated that in June 2023, MPB received a paper that set out the MPB priorities and associated delivery plan, showed the high-level outcomes that the programmes were seeking to achieve, and indicated that further work needed to take place to identify progress measures. The report provided an update of the work which had taken place over the summer to define the success measures and key performance indicators for the MPB priorities.
The locality priorities would be assessed alongside the wider NHS GM performance framework, and in particular those elements where responsibility sat at place level. At the June MBP meeting, whilst an update on the developing GM performance framework was provided, it was not clear at that stage what the role and responsibilities of the locality were relation to this. The work on the ICB Operating Model, through the Carnall Farrar Review of Leadership and Governance had provided further clarity on this. The report also provided further detail for 23/24.
Whilst the NHS GM Operating Model was awaiting final approval by the NHS GM Board later in September, the report provided the latest position.
The Board discussed the report in further detail. It was important that reporting to MPB had a clear purpose, and mapped across to the responsibilities delegated to the locality by the ICB. Maintaining clear lines of accountability was important, and it was noted that in some areas, partners were already reporting into other ICB structures, or reporting directly into NHSE at regional or national level. Care should be taken not to introduce duplication in reporting.
Reporting into MPB needed to reflect the levers the Board had to effect change across the City, and help demonstrate where the partnership added value. Reporting needed to include wider metrics that benchmarked the overall condition of the system, and progress against MPB’s strategic aims, as well as individual programmes. The Operating Model provided some additional clarity on roles and responsibilities across the ICS, but further work was needed in order to translate this into an effective performance dashboard.
The Board:-
(1) Note the progress that has been made to identify metrics against the MPB delivery plan (2) Note the draft Place-Based oversight of national NHS objectives for 2023/24. (3) Agree the suggested approach to monitoring progress. |
Date of next public meeting To note that the date of the next public meeting of the MPB will be 10 November 2023 at 3:00pm Minutes: The Board agree that its next public meeting would be Friday 10 November at 3.00pm. |
Manchester Provider Collaborative Board update PDF 239 KB Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (MFT)/Chair of Manchester Provider Collaborative Board and – Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Social Care/Chair of Manchester Provider Collaborative Board attached Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive (MFT)/Chair of Manchester Provider Collaborative Board and – Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Social Care/Chair of Manchester Provider Collaborative Board. The report provided an update to the (MPB) on the work of the Provider Collaborative Board, as part of the agreed reporting cycle to MPB. The report covered the outputs of the meeting held 20 July 2023.
The key discussion points from the meeting were: -
· Keeping Well at Home (Hospital@Home); and · GMMH Improvement Plan.
The Board:-
(1) Note the discussions at the Provider Collaborative Board (PCB) meeting held 20th July. (2) Note that PCB members will be contributing to the finalisation of the outcome measures for the Keeping Well at Home programme. (3) Note the progress update on the GMMH Improvement Plan and the remaining system challenges, particularly relating to workforce |
Delegated Assurance Board PDF 243 KB Report of the Deputy Place Based Lead attached Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Deputy Place Based Lead that stated the Delegated Assurance Board (DAB) formed a key element of the governance structure for the Manchester Locality, as part of NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (NHS GM). The DAB is a sub-group of the Manchester Partnership Board (MPB) and is a means for the Place Based Lead (PBL) to gain support and assurance in discharging their responsibilities.
The report provided an update from the DAB meetings held on 7 June 2023 and 10July. No issues or risks were identified that required escalation to the Manchester Partnership Board.
The Board note the report. |