Agenda and minutes
Licensing and Appeals Sub Committee Hearing Panel - Tuesday, 25th January, 2022 10.10 am
Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions
Contact: Ian Hinton-Smith
Note: (or at the rise of the Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Panel)
No. | Item |
Exclusion of the Public The officers consider that the following item or items contains exempt information as provided for in the Local Government Access to Information Act and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. The Committee is recommended to agree the necessary resolutions excluding the public from the meeting during consideration of these items. At the time this agenda is published no representations have been that this part of the meeting should be open to the public. Minutes: A recommendation was made that the public be excluded during consideration of the following items of business.
To exclude the public during consideration of the following items which involved consideration of exempt information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons, and public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.
Application for a Street Trader Consent - Wrays, Layby outside Alexandra park Gates, Near to Quinney Crescent, Manchester The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed. Also enclosed are representations from the applicant and objectors. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Hearing Panel considered a report from the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing.
A Licensing Officer introduced the report, listing proposed trading hours and refreshments to be sold. A total of 3 objections had been received from LOOH, the Parks team and a resident. These objections centred around noise emanation, detraction of visual aspects of Alexandra Park and the similar offer of the Café inside Alexandra Park. 2 late objections had been received and the Hearing Panel asked if the applicants had received these. They had not and requested that the Hearing Panel do not take account of them due to them being late. The Hearing Panel accepted this request.
The applicants addressed the Hearing Panel, listing the refreshments they planned to sell, outlining the difference between their outlet and the Café located inside the Park. They informed the Hearing Panel of the work they have done in their community over a number of years, including in Alexandra Park. The applicants outlined their experience in hospitality, explaining their trade was not just about serving people but engagement with the local community. The applicants addressed concerns about noise emanation from their Street Trading Vehicle. They stated that they have acquired an expensive generator which would be quieter than a standard generator.
The Hearing Panel sought clarity on the application stating that limited alcohol would be sold, the number of food items listed and asked the Licensing Officer about permission. The applicants informed them that they would not be selling alcohol, and the number of food items would not be on offer every day. The Licensing Officer informed the Panel that permission for the applicants vehicle is inherent if the consent is granted. LOOH asked for further information on noise management. The applicant’s stated they are known across the community so they will be able to manage any noise being made by customers.
LOOH addressed the Hearing Panel with their objections. Their concerns centred on the noise from the generator, and the limit to the car park intended for the park caused by their vehicle and customers. They stated that the noise from extra vehicles would cause a nuisance for park users and residents, who the closest of are only 5 metres away. LOOH also had concerns about the hours of operation requested.
The applicants raised questions to LOOH about noise, similar establishments and other events. LOOH stated that temporary events, whilst approved, still create noise complaints but are at least temporary. Whilst they have not received complaints about similar establishments in the area, LOOH said they must treat each individually and they believed this would create more traffic in the area and thus further noise nuisance.
The Panel sought to establish if the measurement of 5 metres from the closest residential property was accurate. LOOH stated that even if the establishment moved slightly further away, they do not believe this would make a difference to the noise emanation.
A member of the Parks team then addressed the Hearing Panel. ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |