Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub Committee Hearing Panel - Monday, 15th April, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions

Contact: Callum Jones 

No. Item


Summary Review of a Premises Licence - RP Patel Newsagent, 80a Waterloo Street, Crumpsall, Manchester, M8 5XF pdf icon PDF 124 KB

The report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Hearing Panel considered a report from the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing concerning the review of the premises licence under s53C of the Licensing Act 2003.


The review applicant – Greater Manchester Police – PC Alan Isherwood was in attendance.


The Premises Licence Holder (PLH) – was not in attendance.


The Hearing Panel was informed that the Premises Licence Holder had stated that he was unable to attend the hearing. The party’s present were advised, and in response the GMP representative stated that the 28 day period to hear a review would not allow time for the hearing to be deferred.


The meeting was advised that the Hearing Panel had agreed to adjourn the meeting for 30 minutes to allow time for the PLH to attend.


The meeting was adjourned for 30 Minutes.


The meeting reconvened at 10:34am, and the Hearing Panel was advised that the PLH had been contacted to advise him that the review hearing would take place under in accordance with Licensing Act legislation that requires a review hearing within 28 days of an interim review hearing. 


On the reconvening of the hearing, the Hearing Panel was advised that the PLH had been contacted by telephone again and advised of the Hearing Panel decision. The PLH stated that he was unable to attend and had consented to the hearing proceeding in his absence.


The Committee advised the PLH that it would be prepared to allow time for the PLH to attend the hearing. However, in a phone call to Premises Licensing the PLH advised that he would not be attending and was happy for the committee to proceed in his absence.

In reaching its decision the Committee have also considered the Council’s statement of Licensing Policy, the Licensing Act 2003, the Guidance issued by the Secretary of state under Section 182 of the Act and the licensing objectives.


The Committee was concerned by the evidence obtained by GMP following a search of the premises on the 14th of March 2024 when a warrant was executed.

An officer from GMP searched a handbag belonging to a member of staff and inside was a single snap bag of cannabis and a joint containing cannabis.

Officers then conducted a search of the rear of the premises and in one of the rooms noticed that the carpet did not appear to be fixed to the floor. Upon pulling the carpet back, a door to the cellar was discovered.

Directly behind the stairs leading down to the cellar, a large plastic container and carrier bag containing a significant amount of suspected cannabis was discovered, thirty large sandwich type bags in the plastic container and twenty-eight large sandwich bags, located in the plastic carrier bag.

In the back room of the premises, there were thirty-one sleeves of cigarettes found which were believed to be for selling without payment of the appropriate tax being made.

In addition, thirty-four snap bags of cocaine and a block believed to be class A  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24.


Temporary Event Notice - Didsbury Sports Ground, Ford Lane, Manchester, M20 2RU pdf icon PDF 83 KB

The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Hearing Panel considered a report from the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing concerning


The applicant Mr Clive Szmit, Director of Didsbury Sports Ground represented himself. Also in attendance were PC Alan Isherwood (Greater Manchester Police).


The Chair conducted the hearing in accordance with the agreed procedure.


The Hearing Panel heard that objections had been received from Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and Manchester Council Licensing and Out of Hours Compliance Team (LOOH) to the granting of the TEN for an event to be held on 27 July 28 July 2024.


The focus of the event is for people to visit the premises and watch live podcasts from all around the site. The event is for up to 499 guests but not for the total 15-hour event as there are set acts on at different times that people would be coming to see.

As regards toilet facilities, the premises indicated that there would be five toilets in the main building as well as twenty more in the changing room blocks.


The outside noise will end at 10pm with the stages outside moving to a silent style performance from the acts in which all the guests will receive headsets to listen to the acts. It was further stated that the event was not proposed to be a loud event with music but rather people listening to live podcasts of comedy.


The Premises advised that they had a car park and that it was their intention to provide spaces for as many as forty cars and if it was so desired look to rent a nearby field to cater for additional parking.


The Premises produced correspondence from nearby residents demonstrating that they supported the event.

The Committee expressed concerns about congestion in the area from too many vehicles attending the area and when this issue was explored further the Applicant

stated that the car park area could cater for as many as eighty cars. Committee felt that this was reassuring.


In addition, Committee was concerned about the Terminal hour of the event and the nuisance that would be caused by customers leaving the site in early hours. It was stressed that trams stopped running before the event was due to close and felt that it would be appropriate to warn customers about the lack of public transport available at such time.


GMP addressed the Committee and stated that since they had submitted the Application, they had discussed the event further with the organisers and the premises and felt more confident now that the premises would be capable of managing the event without undermining the Licensing Objectives.


Furthermore, GMP indicated that their main concern had been the inevitable traffic congestion that would arise if the TENs was granted but such concern had been alleviated by the premises confirming that they could cater for parking for up to eighty vehicles carrying customers.


Taking into account GMP’s representations and considering what steps could be taken to alleviate the Committee’s concerns the Committee decided  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25.