Agenda and minutes
Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 24th January, 2024 10.00 am
Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension
Contact: Andrew Woods
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2023. Minutes: Decision
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2023 as a correct record. |
Manchester Partnership Board update A verbal update will be given by the Deputy Place Based Lead from the meeting of the Manchester Partnership Board on 23 January 2024. Minutes: The Board received a verbal update from the Director of Public Health following the Manchester Partnership Board meeting held on 23 January 2024.
The private meeting of the Board considered verbal updates from the Manchester Foundation Trust (MFT), Manchester Local Care Organisation (MLCO), Primary Care providers, Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust (GMMH). The updates focussed on the ongoing challenges to health service provision during the winter period and how the services had responded. It was reported that MFT had set an Operations Pressure Escalation Level (Opel) at 3 and this had been adjusted to Opel 2. Reference was also made to the pressures experienced by the North-West Ambulance Service and MLCO control room where it was recognised both organisations were performing well. The Board also discussed the impact of recent worker strikes within the health service and the use of the Strategic and Operational Plan for the locality which would be submitted to the Health and Well Being Board for a formal agreement and sign-off. Updates were provided on the work of MFT and GMMH.
The Board noted the update. |
Update on Board Recommendations from 2023 PDF 81 KB The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health that provided a summary of the progress made on the reports considered and subsequent decisions the Board had agreed during the calendar year 2023. Reference was made to the subjects considered by the Board and where follow up work had developed into actions and positive outcomes throughout the year.
From the subjects listed in the appendix, the Director of Public Health referred to a number of matters, including the Making Manchester Fairer (MMF) report in January 2023, that looked to develop a strategy and in particular the adoption of a Anti-Poverty Strategy which has led in the first year to a number of positive actions in helping to address anti-poverty. In developing the MMF strategy, a thematic approach to different aspects of health provision has continued during the year. In reference to the oral health and dentistry, the Board was advised that only £10k of an expected £150k funding was received. However, it was anticipated that the full amount would be provided in 2024/25. A further update will be provided in November 2023. Health protection work has provided the city with plans to prepare for outbreaks of infections such as measles.
The Board was advised that as part of MMF, Greater Manchester Public Health Leadership Group had commissioned the Leadership Centre to work with 50 systems leaders from across the ten locality Integrated Care Services to build understanding, confidence and capacity around collaborative and system leadership. An offer of five per locality has been made to participate in the programme which will be delivered through four face-to-face workshops and online convening sessions running up to August 2024. Members of the Board were asked to propose individuals to take part in the training.
The Chair invited members to respond to the offer of training from the GM Public Health Leadership Group as soon as possible. In commenting on the report, the Chair stated that the challenge made for Making Manchester Fairer on progressing fairer health across Greater Manchester NHS and Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership and GMCA to ensure that the work of each organisation is aligned and complements each other. A report providing an update on Fairer Health will be submitted later in the year.
The Chair requested that the Armed Forces Community JSNA is a regular item on the work programme to allow the Board to be updated and provide further input.
The Chair also referred to the plans in place to address the outbreak of infections and in noting the current measles outbreak in parts of England it was requested that an update is submitted to the next meeting, concerning the impact on services in Manchester.
In noting the funding provision for oral health, the Chair stated that it is important for notifications to be clear on what funding will be available and when it will be provided, to ensure effective planning and delivery of services.
The Chair invited questions from the Board.
A member thanked Public ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Stopping the Start: Our New Plan to Create a Smokefree Generation PDF 196 KB The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed. Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Deputy Director of Public Health that follows up to the initial report, “Stopping the start: Our new plan to create a smokefree generation in Manchester” that was submitted in November 2023. The report outlined the ongoing devastating Public Health crisis and health inequalities which are caused by tobacco use in the UK. The report also proposed measures to address these Public Health problems, and are summarised as follows:
i) To bring forward legislation that will ensure that children turning the age of fourteen, or younger, will never legally be sold tobacco. ii) To increase investment in stop smoking services. iii) To support the use of vaping devices for existing tobacco smokers who wish to stop. The “Swap to Stop” scheme will provide up to one million free vapes in England (in conjunction with local services). iv) A suite of measures to protect and discourage children from vaping.
The final decisions, following the public consultation about legislative changes in relation to the age of sale of tobacco and the marketing of vaping, have not been reached by government.
The Director of Public Health introduced the report and informed the Board that following a meeting with the Chief Medical Officer, this legislation is considered the most important in a generation. The national consultation response will be presented to Parliament in the coming weeks and if the proposals made are supported, it will result in a second reading of the Bill. Local MPs will be briefed and provided with up-to-date information from local sources including the report submitted.
The Chair welcomed the report and asked how the response from Manchester compared to the responses from other core cities.
It was reported that Manchester has a high prevalence of smoking and health inequalities, and the funding formula used has reflected this in the funding allocation that has been made. The funds will be received as a Section 31 grant and will require the funds to be used to support community smoking cessation services. There is a requirement to provide evidence on how the funding is spent in order to receive further funding over the five-year period. Manchester has a smoking cessation infrastructure in place and will be able to start work in April.
A Board member asked how the implementation of the initiative would help to stop smoking and prevent people from smoking for sustained results. It was reported that the implementation is based on NICE guidance and will include medication with follow up support over a twelve-week period.
A Board member asked what guidance will be included for the provision of vapes. It was reported that guidance and support will be included in the use of vapes as an alternative to smoking.
The Chair referred to the relationship with Trading Standards to ensure that enforcement work concerning counterfeit vapes is ongoing and it was reported that there is a good relationship with Trading Standards with daily contact and regular attendance at Tobacco Alliance meetings.
The Chair ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Manchester Child Death Overview Panel 2022-23 Annual Report PDF 114 KB The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Assistant Director of Public Health that provided the 2022-23 Manchester Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Annual Report and a summary of the key factors and modifiable factors for cases closed between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.
The Chair suggested that the report could be referred to the Children and Young Peoples Scrutiny Committee. The Director of Public undertook to raise the suggestion with Councillor Reid, chair of the scrutiny committee for the inclusion on the committee’s work programme as an annual report.
Recommendation 1: The CDOP Manager will continue to work with Public Health colleagues in the development and delivery of the refreshed Reducing Infant Mortality Strategy.
Recommendation 2: Manchester CDOP continues to work with the other 3 GM CDOPs, GM Association of Directors of Public Health, and the broader integrated care system leadership – involving specialist human resource and finance expertise – to initiate a change programme to create a sustainable and flexible workforce model hosted by an appropriate organisation within GM.
The Chair took the opportunity to thank Barry Gilespie on behalf of the Board for his work in the authority in view of his impending retirement. |
The report of the Director of Public Health is enclosed. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Director of Public Health that provided as summary of the content of two recently produced JSNAs on:
The Board received an update from Neil Bendel (Health and Homelessness) and Laura Parker (Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities).
The Chair requested an update on the engagement work for the GRT communities. It was reported that engagement work has happening through the Europia and the Irish Community Care organisations to access the wider travelling communities. It was noted that more work is needed to engage with the Irish traveller community due to there being no permanent traveller sites in the city. The engagement provided an opportunity for the development of a working relationship and trust building from a community that may feel let down.
The Chair welcomed the report and noted that further work with stakeholders is required to focus on data collection and develop the process of engagement with communities.
1. That the Board note the content of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessments on: Health and Homelessness, and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities.
2. That the Board support the opportunities for further action described in the JSNAs.
That an update report be submitted concerning work that has taken place with stakeholders regarding data sets/ data collection and the development of engagement with GRT communities. |
Making Manchester Fairer: Tackling Health Inequalities in Manchester 2022-2027 PDF 334 KB The report of the Deputy Director of Public Health, Manchester City Council is enclosed. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Deputy Director of Public Health that provided an update on the implementation and delivery of the Making Manchester Fairer (MMF) Kickstarter Schemes:
(i) Improving Health Equity for Children and Young People- Children’s Element (ii) Early Help for Adults Experiencing Multiple and Complex Disadvantage.
Dr Cordelle Ofori, Deputy Director of Public Health, Jo Johnston, Head of Reform and Innovation and Andrea Daubney, Assistant Director for Education presented the report. In welcoming the report, the Chair stated that the monitoring of the schemes for the remainder of the year will be essential following the embedding of aims of the Making Manchester Fairer. The success of MMF will be judged from the response of Manchester’s residents and how they have seen changes happen where they live.
That the Board note progress made on the delivery of the MMF Kickstarter schemes:
(i) Improving Health Equity for Children and Young People - Children’s Element (ii) Early Help for Adults Experiencing Multiple and Complex Disadvantage. |
Retirement of the Director of Public Health Minutes: The Chair reported that thiswould be the last meeting attended by David Regan as the Director of Public Health and that he will be retiring in April. The Board gave its thanks in recognising David’s service and tireless work and support to officers and stakeholders to develop and strengthening partnership working during his time in this important role.
The Board wished David well for his future and a happy retirement. |