Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 5th June, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension, Manchester, M60 2LA

Contact: Andrew Woods 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 269 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2019.

Additional documents:


The Chair referred to a correction in the minutes relating to the title of Rebecca

Livesey - CEO Manchester Active and the inclusion of Karen Dyson (Voluntary and Community Sector representative) to the list of those present at the meeting.




To agree as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 20 March 2019, subject to the above changes.


Manchester Locality Plan - Update - Single Hospital Service (NMGH) and MHCC Phase 2 pdf icon PDF 152 KB

i)              Single Hospital Service and North Manchester General Hospital developments; and

ii)             Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) – Phase 2


The report of the Executive Director of Planning and Operational Services (MHCC) is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Board received a report from the Director of Planning and Operational Services,

Manchester Health and Care Commissioning which provided progress on the

Locality Plan: Our Healthier Manchester, with a focus on the following areas:

Single Hospital Service (SHS) an update on the benefits realised postmerger

and the planned acquisition of North Manchester General Hospital; Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) an update on Phase 2, the further development of MHCC as a strategic commissioning organisation and the phased transfer of operational commissioning responsibilities to the LCO.


Ed Dyson introduced the report and verbal updates were provided by Matt Makin

(Medical Director NMGH) and Peter Blythin (Director SHS Programme Manchester

University Foundation Trust).


The Chair invited comments from Board members.


A member commented that there was frustration at the pace of change, however

during this time there was a focus on ensuring that patient safety continues to be

protected. An inspection by the CQC was anticipated and the organisation was

confident and prepared for this test.


A member asked if the expected deadline for the transfer of NMGH to MFT set for

April 2020 would be achieved.


It was reported that the April deadline was the ambition however, the NHS I still has

two complex transactions to resolve and this may potentially jeopardise the deadline.

The Chair referred to the changes in MFT and taking account of the future with

NMGH and asked if this was included in the thinking in the progress being made

around Theme 3.


It was reported that Theme 3 was included within the process and discussions within

the Transaction Overview Group. Also the decisions on Theme 3 will be carried at a

GM Commissioner level and would include planning of scenarios relating to the

future of the NMGH site.


The Chair commented that the merger of hospitals can present problems however,

the work being done at NMGH was working and producing the health benefits

expected. Officers were congratulated on the progress being made. Officers were

also asked to include information about changes in senior management and board

level in the MHCC and MLCO report to a future meeting of the Health and Wellbeing



Councillor Craig suggested that the next joint MLCO/MHCC report submitted to the

Board will demonstrate the connection and ambition of the two organisations.




1. To note the report submitted, including the progress made toward completing the Single Hospital System (SHS) and Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) Phase 2 transformation programmes.


2. To note the comments received.


3. To request that the next report of the MLCO MHCC to the Health and

Wellbeing Board be presented as a joint report and include information

about changes in senior management and board level in the MHCC

and MLCO.


Locality Workplace Health and Wellbeing pdf icon PDF 226 KB

The report of the Director of Workforce and Organisation Development (MHCC) is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Board received a report from the Director of Workforce and Organisation

Development, MHCC and the Director of Population, Health and Wellbeing. The report provided and overview of progress in the delivery of a locality based approach to improving workplace health and wellbeing systems and outcomes for the combined health and social care workforce within the city.


The Director of Population, Health and Wellbeing introduced the report.

The Director of Workforce and Organisation Development, MHCC also addressed the board on the work that has taken place since the presentation of the first report in July 2017. Reference was made to the report appendix which provided progress and next steps on the 2017 Baseline Assessment report recommendations.


The Work and Skills Lead officer (MCC) reported that an assessment tool had been developed for use by employers and was ideal for integrated health and social care working. This approach had been agreed and supported by a wide number of individual organisations.


The Chair invited questions from the Board


A board member commented that the wellbeing of GP’s should also be considered and asked if there had been an outreach to independent organisations in view of the shortage of GP’s and the strain on the current service.


It was reported that GP’s could refer themselves or be referred to the Manchester Fit for Work service and the Working Well Early Help Service, as employees to support and enable them to stay in work and avoid long term illness. It was reported that extending the Employer Assistance Programme would be considered, as a possible option, across MHCC and the City Council.


Councillor Craig referred to issue of mental health and mental wellbeing across all employment sectors within the city and sought assurance that information learned from this area is helping to inform the mental health commissioning strategy. Officers were asked if recommendation 5 of the report could be reconsidered and looked at in a broader context than just employee assistance programmes to provide a wider and more generalised access to mental health services and enhancement of services

already commissioned.


It was reported that programmes currently exist across Manchester in conjunction with other GM Colleagues, this will include the commissioning of a specialist employment service in partnership with the GMCA and the GM Health and Care Partnership. Also, tools put in place by employers were helping with collective learning to help and support employees with mental health conditions and develop support to help unemployed residents.


A member referred to the health issues of staff and the initiatives that already exist that provide social value.

It was reported that the organisations are already taking part and offer activities to employees to help support employee health and the recruitment.


Further information would be included in the next update report to the Board.


The Chair stated that the work referred to in the report is important and indicates that there is an ambition to expand the work to both the population and the workforce and currently the organisations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Evaluation pdf icon PDF 226 KB

The report of the Director of Population Health and Wellbeing is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Board received a report from the Director of Population, Health and Wellbeing which described the interim findings of the Manchester Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and outlined the next steps for further evaluation and action.


The final evaluation would be completed by September 2019.

The Chair invited questions from the Board.


A Board member welcomed the report and referred to the useful information it

contains and asked officers what changes would be made to address the issue of ward boundary changes and would those changes be incorporated in future updates.


It was reported that Office for National Statistics was working to address the 32 wards and new data would be available in the next few months.


The Chair referred to ward boundary data and reported that the Our Manchester Investment Board is working to harmonise existing boundaries of partner organisations to ensure joined up working and effective targeting.

The Chair of the MLCO reported that a report would be produced on joined up

services to a future meeting of the Board.




To note the report and the comments received.


Health and Wellbeing Board Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 252 KB

The report of the Director of Population and Wellbeing is enclosed.

Additional documents:


The Board received a report from the Director of Population, Health and Wellbeing

presenting the cycle of Board meetings for 2019/20 Municipal Year. The Board was

requested to comment of items for inclusion of work items in the Forward Plan for the

meetings scheduled for the remainder of the year.


The Chair invited questions and suggestions from the Board.


Members made the following suggestions for inclusion in the Forward Plan:


·         Frailty – relating to - in hospital, out of hospital and primary care.

·         Children and Adult - multi agency safeguarding arrangements –


·         Social prescribing and more innovative approaches to health and how this is

working for Manchester.

·         Changes to organisation and development changes at GM level in order to

understand the changes at a locality level.

·         Bringing services together in health and social care through the LCO.




1. To note the report submitted.


2. To note the suggestions for future work items.