Agenda and minutes
Health Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 9th February, 2021 2.00 pm
Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Lee Walker
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2021. Minutes: The Chair requested that Councillor Riasat be recorded as being in attendance at the previous meeting.
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2021 as a correct record, subject to the above amendment.
COVID Health Equity Manchester PDF 617 KB Report of the Director of Workforce & Organisation Development, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning and the Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Manchester City Council/Manchester Health & Care Commissioning
This report focuses on how the pandemic has affected different communities in the city and the actions we are taking to reduce disparities in severe disease and death for those ‘at risk’ communities.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Workforce and Organisation Development, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (MHCC) and the Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Manchester City Council/MHCC that reflected on how the pandemic had affected different communities in the city and the actions being taking to reduce disparities in severe disease and death for those ‘at risk’ communities. The main points and themes within the report included: -
· Describing the identified Covid risk factors; · Analysis of Manchester hospital data; · Known Covid infection rates in Manchester; · Geographic and economic considerations; · The objectives of CHEM; · The purpose and remit of the CHEM programme; and · An update on the Manchester bid for the Community Champions Fund, a fund made available to support people shown to be most at risk from COVID-19.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· Noting that the report highlighted the health inequalities and outcomes and the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 had on BAME and disabled citizens, residents in vulnerable situations and areas of socio-economic deprivation; · Noting the failure of the government to acknowledge or respond to the issues described; · Manchester had recognised the issue and was actively responding to this; · Providing examples of the fear experienced by BAME residents as a result of COVID-19; · Noting the valued and important role of the many Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) groups; · Recognising the importance of Covid Community Champions and all activity to meaningfully engage with the different communities that existed across the city; · Consideration needed to be given to raising awareness regarding COVID-19 and offering appropriate advice for those residents living in multigenerational households; · Consideration needed to be given as to how myths surrounding the COVID-19 vaccination were addressed so as not to perpetuate them, especially when using social media; · Consideration should be given to utilising the lessons learnt from previous Public Health campaigns, such as the smoking cessation campaign to support this activity; · Were all groups and existing established communities engaged with, such as young people, East European, South Asian and Carers; · Noting the recent media attention that had been given to the Marcus Rashford campaign, consideration should be given to replicating this approach to promote the vaccination programme; · The existing relationships that existed between social landlords and their tenants should be utilised to promote the vaccination, noting the importance of using all existing trusted relationships in this activity; · Noting the importance of building and maintaining trust with local communities; and · Was vaccination take up data available at a ward level.
The Committee welcomed Charles Kwaku-Odoi, Caribbean and African Health Network who stated that they were working with CHEM and key trusted community contacts to promote this work. He stated that the BAME community had experienced racism and inadequate health experiences over many years that had resulted in a mistrust of services. He stated that by working in partnership, sharing local knowledge and experience they were collectively seeking to address this and improve the experience and health outcomes for BAME citizens. ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Adult Social Care and Population Health Budget 2021/22 PDF 516 KB Report of the Chief Executive Manchester Local Care Organisation and the Executive Director of Adult Social Services
This report details the service and financial planning and associated budget strategy work that is taking place for adult social care with partners across the health and care system.
It details the identified and proposed opportunities to make savings in 2021/22 aligned to the remit of the Health Scrutiny Committee, to support the City Council to achieve a balanced budget in 2021/22.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Chief Executive Manchester Local Care Organisation and Executive Director of Adult Social Services that detailed the service and financial planning and associated budget strategy work that was taking place for adult social care with partners across the health and care system.
It detailed the identified and proposed opportunities to make savings in 2021/22 aligned to the remit of the Health Scrutiny Committee, to support the City Council to achieve a balanced budget in 2021/22.
The Committee was invited to comment on the report prior to it being considered by Executive.
The main points and themes within the report included: -
· Describing the 2021/22 Budget proposals in the context of the 2021/22 Budget; · Providing a background and context; · Information on the Covid-19 pandemic and the Adult Social Care (ASC) Improvement Programme, noting the context and impact on ASC; · Identified budget pressures and efficiency proposals; and · An overview of the Better Outcomes Better Lives programme.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· Clarification was sought on the overall total reduction in the Public Health budget since 2016; · Consideration needed to be given to describing what was meant by the term wellbeing services in future reports; · Stating that the government had repeatedly failed to adequately fund Adult Social Care over a period of many years; · Noting that the funding cuts imposed upon the city had impacted most on the poorest residents who already experienced the worst health outcomes; and · That despite these continued cuts Manchester had sought to defend the most vulnerable residents across the city.
Officers informed the Committee that the impact on Manchester’s public health funding was a £8.652m reduction by 2019/20 and provided the year on year reduction figures. The Executive Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing stated that whist there had been a reduction in the funding from central government there were no proposals to reduce public health services.
The Executive Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing stated that the government must adhere to the promise made at the beginning of the pandemic that they would reimburse the Council for the additional costs incurred as a result. She further stated that the government had repeatedly failed to adequately fund Public Health and Social Care over a period of many years, however despite this Manchester had responded to protect the most vulnerable residents in the city and would continue to do so.
The Committee note the report and endorse the budget proposals as described to the Executive.
Report of the Director of Public Health, Manchester City Council and the Medical Director, Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
The Committee received the Manchester COVID-19 12 Point Plan in December and the attached Plan has now been updated to cover the remainder of the Winter period. The Director of Public Health (DPH) will deliver a presentation to the Committee with the latest available information on data and intelligence (point 1), testing and contact tracing (point 2, 3 and 4). The Medical Director (MHCC) will also present the latest on the Manchester Vaccination Programme (point 12) building on the update provided in January.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the joint presentation of the Director of Public Health and the Executive Clinical Director Manchester Health and Care Commissioning that provided an update on COVID-19 activity that included the latest available information on data and intelligence; information on Variants of Concern in Manchester and the response to this; an update on the Manchester COVID-19 Vaccination Programme and testing and contact tracing.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -
· The Committee expressed their confidence and appreciation to teams responding to deliver surge testing in central/south Manchester; · Noting the need to reassure local residents at this time and praising the response of local Neighbourhood Teams in providing advice and support to both local residents and Members; · What was being done to ensure that people who worked in these areas, but did not live in the area were tested, including those in household bubble arrangements; · Was the surge testing in central/south Manchester available to local business owners and their employees; · Were young people and housing providers involved regarding supporting the promotion of the vaccination programme; · Noting that there had been some concern expressed regarding the advice given to housebound residents and the timing of their vaccination; · Noting that due to the Primary Care Network arrangements some residents had been offered appointments for a vaccination some distance from their home address; · Providing a positive example of a GP working with local asylum seekers; · Stating that those who were destitute or not registered with a GP should not be excluded from receiving a vaccination; · Information on the vaccination should be available in different languages; and · What was the approach taken by GPs to ensure that unused vaccinations were not wasted.
The Director of Public Health responded to questions by stating that it was important to reiterate that at this stage there was no evidence that vaccines were less effective against the existing Kent variant and he encouraged all to continue to attend an appointment for their vaccination. He said that various teams, including Youth Services, local Housing Providers and Early Years Teams were actively engaged with work to promote testing and vaccination, adding that this work was complimented by a comprehensive communications strategy.
The Director of Public Health confirmed that the surge testing in central/south Manchester was available to local businesses and employees. He further acknowledged the comment regarding the issue of household bubbles and informed the Committee that an approach to this was to be discussed and agreed.
The Executive Clinical Director MHCC stated that for those residents who had not attended or taken up the offer a vaccination appointment they would be contacted, including a telephone call and the take up rates would continue to be monitored. She commented that the take up rate of the vaccination overall was very good.
In relation to housebound patients and the issue raised by Members, the Executive Clinical Director MHCC advised that the issue had arisen as a result of the physical management of the vaccination and ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit
The monthly report includes the recommendations monitor, relevant key decisions, the Committee’s work programme and items for information. The report also contains additional information including details of those organisations that have been inspected by the Care Quality Commission. Minutes: A report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit which contained key decisions within the Committee’s remit and responses to previous recommendations was submitted for comment. Members were also invited to agree the Committee’s future work programme.
To note the report and agree the work programme.