Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Economy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 23rd May, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: Council Antechamber, Level 2, Town Hall Extension. View directions

Contact: Charlotte Lynch 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 110 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 9 March 2023.




That the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 9 March 2023 be approved as a correct record.



Purpose-Built Student Accommodation pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development).


This report updates the Economy Scrutiny Committee and the Executive on the provision of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) in Manchester and issues that have arisen since the last report in December 2020.


The committee received a report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) which provided an update on the provision of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) in Manchester and issues that had arisen since the last report in December 2020.


Key points and themes within the report included:


  • An introduction and background to student accommodation;
  • The key considerations against which a proposal for new PBSA are tested;
  • Recent changes, including acknowledgment that there is a shortage of PBSA in Manchester;
  • Details of twenty sites which had been identified and assessed by Deloitte LLP, in consultation with officers, to determine whether there is the potential to meet anticipated demand for PBSA in line with Policy H12, including an assessment of the number of beds these sites could accommodate; and
  • The deliverability criteria against which these sites had been assessed.


Key points and queries that arose from the committee’s discussions included:


  • How the Council’s approach to PBSA would consider oversaturation in nearby communities;
  • Consultation on the proposed schemes;
  • The demand for PBSA amongst second- and third-year students;
  • How the Council ensured that sufficient infrastructure and amenities, such as GPs and dentists, are in place where PBSA was built;
  • The appropriateness of Policy H12, citing a recent Planning Inspector decision to allow a PBSA appeal at Deansgate South;
  • Noting increases in the number of students continuing to live at home whilst studying; and
  • Expressing concerns with the affordability of PBSA.


The Executive Member for Housing and Development introduced the item and explained that the Council wanted to ensure an appropriate plan for good-quality student accommodation in suitable locations for students and other communities in Manchester. He acknowledged a challenge in capacity and informed the committee that discussions had been held with universities to bring forward developments within the university estate to help meet demand. He also explained that a shortfall in PBSA impacted the wider housing market as students moved to private rental properties which led to increased rents, higher demand and less availability, particularly for family homes.


The committee was also advised that a site at Whitworth Park was incorrectly listed in the report as being in Hulme ward. This would be amended to state that it was in Ardwick. The Chair also highlighted that Cambridge St Circus was incorrectly listed as being in the Piccadilly and Hulme wards and that this should be Deansgate and Hulme.


Councillors Igbon and Abdullatif addressed the committee in their capacities as ward members for Hulme and Ardwick. Councillor Igbon explained that Manchester embraced the contributions of universities and students to the city but stated that the report did not highlight existing PBSA in Hulme. She stated that PBSA should not consume existing communities and requested that the Committee recommend to the Executive the removal of the Gamecock Pub and McDougall Site from the list of sites for potential PBSA.


Councillor Abdullatif echoed Councillor Igbon’s sentiments and reiterated the impact of PBSA on communities in Hulme and Ardwick, particularly in densely populated areas. She expressed concerns that there  ...  view the full minutes text for item 21.


Economy Dashboard pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Report of the Head of Performance, Research and Intelligence.


This report and the Economy Dashboard contain a range of data and intelligence covering key aspects of Manchester’s economy.

Additional documents:


The committee considered a report of the Head of Performance, Research and Intelligence which presented the Economy Dashboard. The Economy Dashboard contains a range of data and intelligence on key aspects of Manchester’s economy.


Key points and queries that arose from the committee’s discussions included:


  • Suggesting it would be useful for future dashboards to provide a breakdown of annual median income by decile; and
  • Noting trends in each section except for support provided through the cost-of-living advice line and the makeup of households accessing support, and requesting context for this.


The Head of Performance, Research and Intelligence accepted the committee’s suggestions. He advised that information within the Economy Dashboard on the cost-of-living advice line was part of a wider suite of monitoring trends and activity and that this could be included in future reports to the committee.




That the report be noted.



Overview Report pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit


This report provides the Committee with details of key decisions that fall within the Committee’s remit and an update on actions resulting from the Committee’s recommendations. The report also includes the Committee’s work programme, which the Committee is asked to amend as appropriate and agree.


The committee received a report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit which contained key decisions within the Committee’s remit.


The committee noted that it would be discussing the work programme for the forthcoming municipal year in further detail in a private session following the meeting, and that an updated work programme reflecting this discussion would be circulated as normal in the papers for the next meeting.




That the committee note the report and agree the work programme, noting the above comments.