Agenda and minutes
Economy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 11th February, 2021 10.00 am
Venue: Virtual meeting - Webcast at
Contact: Michael Williamson
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2021. |
Growth and Development Directorate Budget - Final Proposals 2021/22 PDF 613 KB Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached
This report provides an updated Growth and Development 2021/22 budget and sets out the 2021/22 savings proposals which reflects any feedback from both the November and January Scrutiny committees. Additional documents: Minutes: Further to minute Esc/21/2 (ESC/21/2 Growth and Development Directorate Budget Proposals 2021/22), the Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director – Growth and Development, which provided a further update on the savings proposals being proposed as part of the 2021/22 budget process which reflected any feedback from the November 2020 meeting.
The Leader advised that that the changes contained in the report were either as a result of recommendations previously made by the Committee or where of such a minor nature that they did not significantly impact on the overall budget proposals. He made the Committee aware that the proposal to reduce the number of posts on Planning and Building Control was being reviewed as there was concern that this proposal would result in a loss of income. It was planned that the outcome of this review would be reported to the Executive on 17 February 2021.
Key points to note were:-
· As at December 2020 the Directorate was forecasting a net overspend of £2.965m, this included Covid-19 related pressures of £5.527m, offset by in year mitigation of £2.562m; · The Covid-19 pressures are made up of a combination of £4.523m reductions in income and increased cost pressures of £0.992m; · The main loss of income had arisen within the Investment estate due to tenants not being in a position to pay their rents because their business has been impacted by Covid-19; · In addition to the income reductions, there have been increased costs with the main costs being in respect of supporting the Corporate response to supporting the City’s most vulnerable residents, this was forecast to cost net c.£0.783m in the current financial year; and · As part of the ongoing work seeking to mitigate the above pressures in year forecast savings of £2.562m had already been identified, this was largely due to staff savings because of vacant posts and reduced running costs across all services.
The Committee was invited to comment on the report prior to it being considered by Executive.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committees discussions were:-
· It was welcomed that the concerns raised by the Committee at its previous meeting had been taken into account in the budget proposals; · Whist acknowledging the budget constraints the Council faced, it was disappointing to see that the Council would have to end its support to My Future ILM and the impact this would have on the ability to coordinate skills, training and employment support offered at a local level; and · It was proposed that the views of the Committee in regard to the changes to the budget savings associated with Planning and Building Control be taken into account as part of the service redesign that would be taking place. The Leader commented that it would be important for local government to continue lobbying central government to take a devolved approach to skills and employment programmes with the capacity to join these up with national programmes, in order to ensure the best outputs and value for money.
Decision ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |
Overview and Context PDF 302 KB Report of the Director of Inclusive Economy attached
This report provides an overview of the supply and demand of skills and adult education in the city. It highlights the city's skills shortages and challenges and on the impact of Covid-19 on skills provision and labour market requirements. It also provides an update of some of the national and regional policy responses and commissioning, which are to supporting local delivery in responding to these challenges and opportunities. |
Presentation from the Industry Skills Intelligence Lead (Greater Manchester Combined Authority) attached
The presentation provides an oversight on how the Combined Authority is ensuring an appropriate talent pipeline for the economic growth of the city region. |
Manchester Adult Education Service (MAES) update PDF 316 KB Report of the Head of MAES attached
The purpose of this report is to provide information on MAES performance in 2019/20, the challenges of COVID-19 and the impact on residents in 2019/20 and 20/21 academic years and the service response and how this will affect future delivery.
The Manchester College Strategy and Performance Update PDF 281 KB Report of the Principal and Deputy Chief Executive: The Manchester College/LTE Group attached
This report provides an update on The Manchester College’s progress, performance and contribution to Manchester’s work and skills outcomes since the last report to the Economy Scrutiny Committee in 2019. Additional documents: |
LTE Estates Strategy PDF 284 KB Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) and the Chief Executive, LTE Group attached
This report provides an update on the delivery of the LTE Estate Strategy, during which leading edge facilities will be developed for post-16 education and skills training serving Manchester and the wider Greater Manchester (GM) Area.
Economy COVID19 Sit Rep Report PDF 672 KB Report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) attached
This report provides Committee Members with a further update summary of the current situation in the city in relation to COVID-19 and an update on the work progressing in Manchester in relation to areas within the remit of this Committee. |
Report of the Governance and Scrutiny Support Unit attached
This report provides the Committee with details of key decisions that fall within the Committee’s remit and an update on actions resulting from the Committee’s recommendations. The report also includes the Committee’s work programme, which the Committee is asked to amend as appropriate and agree. |