Issue - meetings

Issue - meetings

123437/FO/2019 - 4 Angel Square, Corporation Street, Manchester, M4 4DU

Meeting: 25/07/2019 - Planning and Highways Committee (Item 68)

68 123437/FO/2019 - 4 Angel Square, Corporation Street, Manchester, M4 4DU pdf icon PDF 841 KB

The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is attached.

Additional documents:


The application related to the demolition of existing buildings to facilitate construction of an eleven storey building with external terrace to form a mixed use development comprising office use (Use Class B1) and ground floor commercial units (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1 and D2); creation of a new public square and associated landscaping, undercroft car and cycle parking, provision of plant and servicing and related access and highways' works and associated works.


The Director of Planning reported that due to a drafting error within the report on the agenda the complete revised recommended planning conditions had been provided in the late representations document circulated within the supplementary agenda.


No objectors to the application were in attendance.


The applicant addressed the committee and provided an outline of the proposal and the work undertaken in phase 1 on the redevelopment of the NOMA estate within the site.


Members asked how many trees would be planted as part of the development and sought assurance that the proposed public realm area would be accessible by the public.


Officers reported that the proposal included the planting of street trees and trees in the public realm area. NOMA intended to plant as many trees as possible across the development area and details on the final number would be provided for members. The public area would be owned by NOMA and would be a space that included shop units and bars and would be open to the public to access retail facilities. Previous developments by the applicant have demonstrated a commitment to public spaces open for public access.


Members referred to the proposal to demolish the Ducie Bridge Public House and officers were asked if the building could be maintained in view of the cultural heritage it represented.


Officers reported that the Ducie Bridge Public House building is not a listed building and is not within a conservation area. It was acknowledged that the building does have character and some historic social value, however the building has been subject to a lot of alteration and does not retain original fixtures or features. A request had previously been made to list the building but this was not supported.


A member referred to the importance of communication with local residents and requested that the proposed conditions ensured that good communication is maintained throughout the development and that this was maintained as standard for similar future applications as part of the construction management plan.


Officers reported that the conditions would be amended to include detail on communication with residents in the construction management plan, as detailed in conditions 5 and 6 of the report.




To approve the application subject to the amended conditions outlined above and within the late representations and the reasons in the report.