Decision details

Decision details

Land at Grimshaw Lane/ Ten Acres Lane (2021/03/04A)

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To dispose of land under a long lease to Canmoor in order to facilitate the development of warehousing and industrial space on the Council owned land and land in Canmoor’s ownership


The Chief Executive approves the agreement to grant a long lease of land at Ten Acres Lane / Grimshaw Lane to Canmoor for a premium.  The lease of Land to Canmoor is necessary in order to allow the development of brownfield land that has been vacant for over 30 years. The land will be developed for employment uses and has received planning permission. The Council land adjoins land owned by Canmoor and the Council land cannot be developed beneficially in isolation. Both the Council land and that owned by Canmoor were originally occupied by the Mather and Platt’s factory complex, most of which ceased operating in the 1980’s.

Publication date: 05/10/2021

Date of decision: 04/10/2021

Effective from: 13/10/2021

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