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Traffic controls for West side of Wilbraham Road near Edge Lane

We the undersigned petition the Council to restrict the speed to 20mph on the Western stretch of Wilbraham Road from the corner meeting Edge Lane through to the junction with Albany Road/ Corkland Road.

The area of street in question has very heavy pedestrian activity with 3 primary schools immediately overlapping this stretch of the road alone.

While there are traffic control measures on Edge Lane (average speed cameras) and some traffic regulation in central Chorlton in the form of traffic lights, some drivers still maintain a dangerously high speed on Wilbraham Road.

There is heavy on-street parking which can cause serious obstructions for a vehicle to be able to stop. There was already a serious collision on this stretch of road this week, several near-misses weekly with school children crossing the road, and a fatality in 2014 where a pedestrian was struck at speed.

This stretch of the road should be restricted to 20mph and speed control measures (speed breakers or speed cameras) should be introduced in this stretch.

Started by: Zohaib Hashim

This ePetition runs from 16/07/2024 to 14/10/2024.

3 people have signed this ePetition.