Register of interests Councillor Julie Reid This register of interests was published on Tuesday, 17th December, 2024, 12.38 pm. More information about this councillor Printer friendly view I, Councillor Julie Reid, an Elected Member of Manchester City Council give notice that I have the following financial interests 1. Please state any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried out for profit or gain See note 1 Member Partner NoneNone 2. Please state any sponsorship you may have See note 2 Name of Person or Body making Payments Cooperative Party 3. Do you have any contracts with Manchester City Council? See note 3 Member Partner NoneNone 4. Land in the area of the City Council See note 4 Member Partner 1, Midgley Avenue, Abbey Hey, Gorton, Manchester M18 8XP 1, Midgley Avenue, Abbey Hey, Gorton, Manchester M18 8XP 5. Licences to occupy land See note 5 Member Partner 1, Midgley Avenue, Abbey Hey, Gorton, Manchester M18 8XP 1, Midgley Avenue, Abbey Hey, Gorton, Manchester M18 8XP 6. Corporate tenancies See note 6 Member Partner NoneNone 7. Securities See note 7 Member Partner NoneNone 8. Bodies to which you are appointed or nominated by the council See note 8 Name of Body Position Children’s Board - Safeguarding Board - University of Manchester MFT Hospital Board - 9. Interests in charities, societies and other bodies See note 9 Name of organisation Position Labour Party - Cooperative Party - 10. Gifts and Hospitality over £100 See note 10 Name of organisation or individual providing gift or hospitality Description of gift(s) or hospitality and value NoneNone I authorise this information to be made available in the Council’s Public Register of Member’s Interests which will be published on the Council’s website as required by Section 29(6)(b) of the Localism Act 2011.