Committee attendance Date range: Committee: Select a committee All Art Galleries Committee Audit Committee Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee Communities and Equalities Scrutiny Committee Constitution Constitutional and Nomination Committee Council Economy and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Employee Appeals Committee Environment, Climate Change and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Committee Executive Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust: Improvement Plan Task and Finish Group Health and Wellbeing Board Health Scrutiny Committee Licensing and Appeals Committee Licensing and Appeals Sub Committee Hearing Panel Licensing Committee Licensing Policy Committee Licensing Sub Committee Hearing Panel Manchester Partnership Board Overview and Scrutiny Ofsted Subgroup Personnel Committee Personnel Sub Committee Planning and Highways Committee Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee Schools Forum Standards (Hearing) Sub-Committee Standards Committee zzz upgrade20224-03 Council, 4 meetings Member Attendances Councillor Amna Saad Omar Abdullatif 4 Councillor Shazia Butt 4 Councillor Jade Mary Doswell 2 Councillor Tim Whiston 3 Councillor Becky Chambers 4 Councillor Rabnawaz Akbar 4 Councillor Ahmed Ali 4 Councillor Azra Ali 3 Councillor Nasrin Ali 3 Councillor Shaukat Ali 3 Councillor Zahra Alijah 0 Councillor Paul Andrews 4 Councillor Paula Appleby 4 Councillor Garry Bridges 4 Councillor Donna Ludford 4 Councillor Lee-Ann Igbon 3 Councillor June Hitchen 2 Councillor Carmine Grimshaw 4 Councillor Aftab Razaq 4 Councillor Joanna Midgley 4 Councillor Yasmine Dar 4 Councillor Andrew Simcock 4 Councillor Angeliki Stogia 4 Councillor Dave Rawson 3 Councillor Fiaz Riasat 3 Councillor James Wilson 3 Councillor Mandie Shilton Godwin 4 Councillor John Hacking 4 Councillor Emma Taylor 4 Councillor Eve Holt 3 Councillor Ali Ilyas 4 Councillor John Hughes 4 Councillor John Leech 4 Councillor Afia Kamal 4 Councillor Tracey Rawlins 4 Councillor Julie Reid 4 Councillor Shelley Lanchbury 3 Councillor Basil Curley 4 Councillor Sandra Collins 2 Councillor John Flanagan 4 Councillor Dzidra Noor 4 Councillor Basat Sheikh 4 Councillor Veronica Kirkpatrick 4 Councillor Annette Wright 4 Councillor Chris Wills 4 Councillor Joan Davies 4 Councillor Joanne Green 4 Councillor Hannah Priest 0 Councillor Thomas Judge 4 Councillor Pat Karney 4 Councillor Jill Lovecy 4 Councillor Marcus Johns 4 Councillor Sean McHale 3 Councillor Paula Sadler 2 Councillor Adele Douglas 4 Councillor Tina Hewitson 4 Councillor Jon-Connor Lyons 2 Councillor Susan Cooley 3 Councillor Sam Wheeler 4 Councillor Sam Lynch 4 Councillor Glynn Evans 4 Councillor Emily Rowles 3 Councillor Naeem Hassan 4 Councillor Suzannah Reeves 4 Councillor Abid Latif Chohan 4 Councillor Luthfur Rahman 3 Councillor Mahdi Hussein Mahamed 4 Councillor Suzanne Richards 4 Councillor Bev Craig 4 Councillor Gavin White 4 Councillor Thomas Frederick Robinson 4 Councillor Linda Foley 4 Councillor Debbie Hilal 4 Councillor Ekua Bayunu 2 Councillor Muqaddasah Bano 2 Councillor Rob Nunney 4 Councillor Zahid Hussain 4 Councillor Julie Connolly 4 Councillor Mathew Benham 4 Councillor Alan Good 4 Councillor Irene Robinson 4 Councillor Murtaza Iqbal 4 Councillor Jawad Amin 4 Councillor Olusegun Ogunbambo 4 Councillor Erinma Bell 4 Councillor Angela Moran 4 Councillor Angela Gartside 4 Councillor Astrid Johnson 4 Councillor Chris Northwood 4 Councillor Abdigafar Mohamed Muse 4 Councillor Phil Brickell 4 Councillor Anthony McCaul 4 Councillor Richard Kilpatrick 4 Councillor Richard Fletcher 4 Councillor Anastasia Wiest 4 Councillor Dave Marsh 4 Councillor Uzma Jafri 1 Councillor Tina Kirwin-McGinley 1 Councillor Leslie Bell 1 Councillor Ghazala Sadiq 1 Councillor Lee Glover 1 Councillor Shahbaz Sarwar 1 Councillor Esha Mumtaz 1 Councillor Sherita Mandongwe 1 Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee, 6 meetings Member Attendances Councillor Rabnawaz Akbar 5 Councillor Paul Andrews 5 Councillor Garry Bridges 1 Councillor Lee-Ann Igbon 1 Councillor June Hitchen 1 Councillor Joanna Midgley 2 Councillor Andrew Simcock 6 Councillor Angeliki Stogia 4 Councillor John Hacking 1 Councillor John Leech 2 Councillor Tracey Rawlins 2 Councillor Julie Reid 1 Councillor Shelley Lanchbury 5 Councillor Dzidra Noor 1 Councillor Veronica Kirkpatrick 6 Councillor Joan Davies 5 Councillor Sam Wheeler 3 Councillor Glynn Evans 5 Councillor Emily Rowles 4 Councillor Luthfur Rahman 2 Councillor Suzanne Richards 1 Councillor Bev Craig 2 Councillor Gavin White 4 Councillor Thomas Frederick Robinson 1 Councillor Julie Connolly 5 Councillor Phil Brickell 4 Councillor Richard Kilpatrick 6 Councillor Lee Glover 1