Agenda item

Agenda item

MFT COVID-19 Related Service Changes

Report of the Director of Strategy, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT)


The purpose of this paper is to describe the changes to services that have been necessary to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on patients accessing services at MFT.



The Committee considered a report of the Director of Strategy, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust that described the changes to services that had been necessary to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on patients accessing services at MFT. In particular this included detail regarding changes to women’s services and the early plans for addressing the backlog in elective care that had developed over the past 12 months.


The main points and themes within the report included: -


·                Providing an introduction and background;

·                The activities to create capacity in order to meet the demand for treating patients with COVID-19;

·                Describing the changes that were made to the way in which services were delivered in order to reduce the spread of the virus and comply with Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guidance;

·                An update on Women’s Services; and

·                Impact and recovery.


Councillor Russell, Member for Northenden ward addressed the Committee. She sought an assurance on the delivery of women’s services. She further stated that any equality impact assessments should take into consideration public transport and travel times, commenting that residents already facing disadvantages should not be disadvantaged further by any changes to service delivery.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -


·                The Committee paid tribute to all staff working at the hospital sites for their work and dedication in treating patients during the pandemic;

·                Noting that many patients would have chosen not to take up elective procedures due to concerns surrounding Covid, would these patients be contacted and followed up;

·                Was in anticipated that waiting times for procedures would increase as people who had delayed seeking treatment for health conditions during the pandemic began to present;

·                The comprehensive MFT recovery plan should be shared with the Committee at the appropriate time; and

·                An update was sought as to the delivery of the Walk In Centre at the Manchester Royal Infirmary site.


Karen Connolly, Chief Executive, Saint Mary’s Hospital informed the Members that community midwifery services and hospital appointments had been reinstated to the pre pandemic arrangements and there was no reduction in the offer. She added that the changes that had been introduced to ensure appropriate infection prevention and control measures were place. She further stated that the service provided at the Wythenshawe site was an improved offer as there was 24/7 access to emergency surgery and diagnostic services.


Dawn Pike, Director of Nursing, Manchester Royal Infirmary stated that whilst the announced road map for easing restrictions would inform the recovery plan there were still unknowns, such as ongoing advice and guidance regarding social distancing to be announced and this would need to be taken into consideration and inform all recovery planning,


Dawn Pike, Director of Nursing, Manchester Royal Infirmary informed the Committee that follow up calls were being made to patients who had declined elective procedures during the pandemic. She advised that this contact would continue with advice and reassurance given as to the measure taken to address patient safety so that patients could make informed decisions. She added that videos had also been produced to demonstrate the Covid safety measures that had been introduced.


Dawn Pike, Director of Nursing, Manchester Royal Infirmary described that the Walk In Centre had continued to operate during the pandemic, commenting that the number of people presenting had reduced during the pandemic, however the numbers were now at pre pandemic levels. She said that the marquee referred to by a Member had been installed to ensure correct patient social distancing was maintained. 


Caroline Davidson, Director of Strategy, MFT stated that work to understand levels of pent up demand was underway to inform the recovery planning, including work with GP practices, noting this was being done across Greater Manchester.


The Executive Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing reassured the Committee that in addition to the work of MFT a significant amount of work to address the wider health recovery programme across the city was underway and was a key element of the Manchester Partnership Board.




The Committee note:


1. The changes to hospital services necessitated by the COVID pandemic;


2. The arrangements regarding the creation of COVID-secure environments and measures to mitigate the impact on patients; and


3. The details regarding the changes made to women’s services across MFT hospital sites.

Supporting documents: