Agenda item
128920/FO/2020 - Land Off Cringle Road, Manchester, M19 2RR - Levenshulme Ward
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The planning officer introduced the application and informed the committee of the additional representatives and images received, that had been circulated to committee members prior to the meeting. The representations had outlined the introduction of the new fence and the images provided views of the area before the fence was erected and following the work. The representations had asked the committee to consider an additional condition requiring a mature hedge to be planted after the two year period had ended, the green corridor to be maintained and the walking/ cycling route to be upgraded. The planning officer stated that it was regrettable that the green vegetation had been removed from Nelstrop Road North, however planning permission was not required for the removal of the vegetation and for the erection of a one metre high fence. The removal of the vegetation had been referred to in the outline planning application and the landscaping of the development would be the subject of a reserved matters application involving the submission of the detailed scheme. Following the loss of the vegetation, five hawthorn hedge plants had been planted in the area concerned.
The objector addressed the committee on the application. Reference was made to the loss of the hedge which had been included within the representation submitted. The Committee was requested to include additional conditions on the application for the replanting of a substantial hedge. Reference was made to the continued maintenance of the green corridor between Manchester and Stockport in line with Council strategies.
The applicant’s agent addressed the Committee on the application.
The planning officer reported that once the development was completed a landscaping scheme would be submitted that would allow the submission of comments by the public. Also, if the development was not commenced within the two year deadline there would be mitigation for removal of the fence and additional boundary planting on the site.
The Char invited members of the Committee to ask questions.
Members referred to the temporary time period for the fencing and sought an assurance that if after two years, the fence would be required to be removed and a boundary hedge reinstated. A member commented that if after two years no work had started it was likely that the developer may reapply for the permission to be extended and it was unfortunate that it was not possible to measure the impact of the loss of vegetation on wildlife habitat.
A member referred to the temporary application and asked Planning Officers for consideration to be given to introduce more permanent planting to the site that would form part of the planting scheme to ensure that it was not removed after the completion of the development. The member suggested that in the event that after two years no building had taken place and if an application is made to extend the permission further, the application should be submitted for consideration by the Planning and Highways Committee.
The Planning officer reported that the suggestions could be explored further with the developer. A note would be made in the application case notes in the event of a further application being made.
Councillor Andrews moved the recommendation to approve the application. Councillor Shaukat Ali seconded the proposal.
The Committee agreed to the temporary approval for the retention of 1.8 metre high fencing to Cringle Road and Nelstrop Road North up to 18 February 2023.
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