Agenda item

Agenda item

The Council Constitution

A copy of the report to be considered by Council is attached. The appendices referred to in the report are available in the supplementary document.  


The Council considered a report of the City Solicitor to adopt proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Council as detailed in the report submitted.




1.    Adopt, subject to recommendation 5 below, the attached revised Sections of the Constitution of the Council, namely:


a) Part 2

b) Part 3: Sections, C and F

c) Part 4: Sections A, B, C and F

d) Part 5: Sections C, D and E

e) Part 6: Sections B, C and E

f) Part 8


2.    Make consequentialand ancillary changesto other Parts of the Constitution to align with the changes set out in the report.


3.    Amend Part 4: Section E as detailed at Paragraph 4.5 of the report as follows:


It is proposed that the reference to “The Chief Executive of the Skills Funding Agency” is deleted from Rule 8A.1 of the Scrutiny Procedure Rules (Part 4 Section E). This is to reflect a change in the list of relevant partner authorities contained in section 104 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Heath Act 2007.


4.    Readopt the remainder of the Constitution.


5.    Note in relation to Part 3 of the Constitution that responsibility for the discharge of executive functions and the delegation of such responsibility rests with the Leader of the Council and that the recommended delegations of executive functions set out in Part 3 (Sections A and F) are for the information of the Council only.

Supporting documents: