Agenda item
Proceedings of the Executive
To submit the minutes of the Executive on 6 May 2020, 3 June 2020, 3 July 2020, 29 July 2020, 9 September 2020. A list of resolutions made at those meetings that would otherwise have been considered by the Council can be found in the report entitled Use of Emergency Urgency Powers and Urgent Key Decisions on this Summons. For the meeting held on 14 October 2020, Council is asked in particular to consider:
Exe/20/104 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2020/21 and Budget Position 2021/22.
To recommend to the Council the approval of the proposed budget transfer of £7.627m from ‘third party payments’ to ‘transfer to reserves’ in order to support the 2021/22 budget.
Exe/20/105 Capital Budget Monitoring 2020/21
To recommend that the Council approve virements over £0.5m within the capital programme as outlined in Appendix 1 of these minutes
To recommend that the Council approve the capital programme as presented in Appendix 2 of these minutes which will require prudential borrowing of £790.7m to fund non-HRA schemes over the five-year period for which provision has been made in the revenue budget for the associated financing costs (within limits previously agreed).
Exe/20/106 Capital Programme Update
To recommend that the Council approve the following changes to Manchester City Council’s capital programme:
· Growth and Development – Demolition of Grey Mare Police Station. A capital budget increase of £0.761m is requested, funded by HCA Eastlands Reserve Fund.
Highways Services - Planned Maintenance 2020/21
Carriageway Preventative Programme. A capital budget virement of £1.289m is requested from the
Highways Project Delivery Fund budget.
· Public Sector Housing – Silk Street. A capital budget increase of £12.048m is requested, funded by £5.650m HRA (RCCO), £4.140m Grant and £2.258m Capital Receipts.
Exe/20/112 The Factory
To recommend that the Council approve a Capital Budget increase of £45.17m for The Factory. This will increase the total capital budget for the construction of The Factory from £140.62m to £185.79m to be met from external contributions. This increase will be met from Council resources to support the delivery of Factory in advance of external contributions being received by the Council, in order that the Council can continue to meet its contractual obligations.
The proceedings of the Executive on 6 May 2020, 3 June, 3 July, 29 July, 9 September and 14 October 2020 were submitted. The Council was asked to give particular consideration to the following recommendations. A list of resolutions made at the Executive meetings that would otherwise have been considered by the Council were included in the ‘Use of Emergency Urgency Powers and Urgent Key Decisions’ (see minute number CC/20/46). For the meeting held on 14 October 2020, the Council was asked in particular to consider:
Exe/20/104 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2020/21 and Budget
Position 2021/22.
To recommend that the Council approve the proposed budget transfer of £7.627m from ‘third party payments’ to ‘transfer to reserves’ in order to support the 2021/22 budget.
Exe/20/105 Capital Budget Monitoring 2020/21
To recommend that the Council approve virements over £0.5m within the capital programme as outlined in Appendix 1 of the minutes submitted.
To recommend that the Council approve the capital programme as presented in Appendix 2 of these minutes which will require prudential borrowing of £790.7m to fund non-HRA schemes over the five-year period for which provision has been made in the revenue budget for the associated financing costs (within limits previously agreed).
Exe/20/106 Capital Programme Update
To recommend that the Council approve the following changes to Manchester City Council’s capital programme:
· Growth and Development – Demolition of Grey Mare Police Station. A capital budget increase of £0.761m is requested, funded by HCA Eastlands Reserve Fund.
· Highways Services - Planned Maintenance 2020/21 Carriageway Preventative Programme. A capital budget virement of £1.289m is requested from the Highways Project Delivery Fund budget.
· Public Sector Housing – Silk Street. A capital budget increase of £12.048m is requested, funded by £5.650m HRA (RCCO), £4.140m Grant and £2.258m Capital Receipts.
Exe/20/112 The Factory
To recommend that the Council approve a Capital Budget increase of £45.17m for The Factory. This will increase the total capital budget for the construction of The Factory from £140.62m to £185.79m to be met from external contributions. This increase will be met from Council resources to support the delivery of Factory in advance of external contributions being received by the Council, in order that the Council can continue to meet its contractual obligations.
1. To receive the minutes of the Executive held on 6 May 2020, 3 June, 3 July, 29 July, 9 September and 14 October 2020.
2. To approve the proposed budget transfer of £7.627m from ‘third party payments’ to ‘transfer to reserves’ in order to support the 2021/22 budget
3. To approve virements over £0.5m within the capital programme as outlined in Appendix 1 of the minutes submitted.
4. To approve the capital programme as presented in Appendix 2 of the minutes submitted, which will require prudential borrowing of £790.7m to fund non-HRA schemes over the five-year period for which provision has been made in the revenue budget for the associated financing costs (within limits previously agreed).
5. To approve the following changes to the Manchester City Council’s Capital Programme
· Growth and Development – Demolition of Grey Mare Police Station. A capital budget increase of £0.761m is requested, funded by HCA Eastlands Reserve Fund.
· Highways Services - Planned Maintenance 2020/21 Carriageway Preventative Programme. A capital budget virement of £1.289m is requested from the Highways Project Delivery Fund budget.
· Public Sector Housing – Silk Street. A capital budget increase of £12.048m is requested, funded by £5.650m HRA (RCCO), £4.140m Grant and £2.258m Capital Receipts.
6. To approve a Capital Budget increase of £45.17m for The Factory. This will increase the total capital budget for the construction of The Factory from £140.62m to £185.79m to be met from external contributions. This increase will be met from Council resources to support the delivery of Factory in advance of external contributions being received by the Council, in order that the Council can continue to meet its contractual obligations.
(Councillor Midgley declared a prejudicial interest on minute number Exe/20/97 of the Executive minutes.)
Supporting documents: