Agenda item
Clean Air Plan and Minimum Licensing Standards for Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles
The joint report of the City Solicitor and the Deputy Chief Executive is enclosed.
In July 2020 the Executive had noted the progress being made with the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan - Tackling Nitrogen Oxide Exceedances at the Roadside (Minute Exe/20/76). A report now submitted by the City Solicitor and the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer explained the progress that had been made on the development of Greater Manchester’s Clean Air Plan following the decision that the GM Local Authorities would move to a statutory public consultation on the GM Clean Air Plan as soon as reasonably practicable in light of COVID-19 restrictions, and the link to taxi and private hire common minimum licensing standards. The report also considered the formal governance mechanisms that would underpin the delivery of a GM Clean Air Zone (CAZ) and the supporting measures. The report also set out a position for consultation on the daily charge, discounts and exemptions of a Category C GM Clean Air Zone, and the proposals for the supporting funds that had been developed taking stakeholder engagement and statistical modelling into account. It sought agreement to consult and endorsement of the policy for consultation.
The plan was for the consultation to take place over an eight-week period starting in October 2020. The report explained the proposals for consultation on the daily charge, discounts and exemptions, and the proposals for the supporting funds that had been developed, including:
· A revision to the proposed daily charges, including a reduction in the charge for HGVs and buses from £100 per day to £60, an increase in the charge levels for LGV and minibuses from £7.50 to £10 as modelling has shown this will have a greater impact in behavioural responses to the charge, and the taxi and private hire charge has been held at £7.50 per day;
· That the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) will be implemented in Spring 2022;
· That the Government has accepted an exemption for LGVs and minibuses to 2023;
· Details of the vehicle finance offer;
· Details of temporary exemptions, including a temporary exemption to 2023 for wheelchair accessible taxi and private hire vehicles licensed with a Greater Manchester authority, and a temporary exemption to 2023 for coaches registered within Greater Manchester. Additionally, owner-drivers of GM-licensed PHVs (and PHVs leased full-time by 1 person), will be offered a discounted weekly charge of 5/7 of the total from implementation as these vehicles are used for personal use and private cars are not charged under the CAZ.
A copy of the GM Policy for Consultation was appended to the report and was endorsed.
At the meeting concerns were raised in relation to the Equality Impact Assessment wok that had been undertaken given that proposals for taxis and private hire vehicles might have a disproportionate impact on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community members. It was agreed that a more detailed Equality Impact Assessment would be needed after the consultation had finished. It was also noted that the Council is minded to support an ultraclean air zone in the city centre.
1. To note the progress of the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan.
2. To note that TfGM have confirmation that the funding award for Bus Retrofit should be distributed as soon as possible as per arrangements put in place for the Clean Bus Technology Funds.
3. To note the update on the possible impacts of COVID-19 on the GM Clean Air Plan.
4. To agree that Manchester City Council along with the other nine GM local Authorities hold an 8-week public consultation on the GM Clean Air Plan commencing in October 2020.
5. To note that the GM local Authorities intend to consult on GM’s proposed Minimum Licensing Standards, alongside the Clean Air Plan consultation.
6. To agree that TfGM act as the Operating Body for the GM CAZ and supporting measures.
7. To agree that Manchester City Council along with the other nine GM Authorities individually be a ‘charging authority’ for the purposes of the CAZ, pursuant to the Transport Act 2000.
8. To endorse the GM Clean Air Plan Policy for Consultation at Appendix 3 of the report.
9. To note the Equalities Impact Assessment on the Clean Air Plan, as set out at Appendix 5 of the report.
10. To note that further reports will be brought forward to set out the formal governance mechanisms that will underpin the delivery of a GM Clean Air Zone (CAZ) and the supporting measures, including the full scope of the suite of powers that will be needed to be delegated to the Operating Body.
11. To delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive member for Planning Transport and the Environment, to approve the submission of the cases for measures to the Government's Joint Air Quality Unit to support the GM Clean Air Plan.
12. To delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Executive member for planning, Transport and the Environment, to approve the GM Clean Air Plan consultation materials, to include the Equalities Impact Assessment on the consultation.
13. To note that response to DfT’s Decarbonising Transport – setting the challenge, as set out at Appendix 1 of the report, has been submitted to Government.
Supporting documents:
- Clean Air Plan Consultation Report, item 92. PDF 552 KB
- Appendix 1 - GM Response to DFT’s Decarbonising Transport – Setting The Challenge, item 92. PDF 383 KB
- Appendix 2 - Greater Manchester NO2 Plan Direction, item 92. PDF 398 KB
- Appendix 3 - GM CAP Policy for Consultation, item 92. PDF 459 KB
- Appendix 4 - Vehicle Finance Offer, item 92. PDF 295 KB
- Appendix 5 - GM CAP Consultation Stage Equality Impact Assessment, item 92. PDF 569 KB
- Appendix 6 - Operating Body Options & Responsibilities, item 92. PDF 300 KB
- Appendix 7 - Copy of letter from Greater Manchester Taxi Trade Coalition, item 92. PDF 163 KB