Agenda item

Agenda item

Clean Air and Climate Change progress update

Report of The Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer


This paper provides an update on the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan and the latest data and progress updates in relation to the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan.



The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and City Treasurer that provided an update on the Greater Manchester (GM) Clean Air Plan including the impact of COVID-19 (C19) on the timetable for its implementation. It also provided an update on progress to deliver the Council’s Climate Change Action Plan 2020-25 and annual direct emissions data for the 2019/20 financial year.


The main points and themes within the report included: -


·         Information on the Greater Manchester Clean Air Plan and the considerations given to the statutory public consultation on the GM Clean Air Plan to be undertaken as soon as reasonably practicable due to COVID-19;

·         An update on Manchester City Council Climate Change Action Plan, noting the documents provided Annual Direct Emissions Report, Pathway to Zero Carbon 2038, Quarterly Quantitative Emissions Reporting, Quarterly Qualitative Reporting and the correspondence with the Greater Manchester Pension Fund; and

·         Information on Manchester Climate Change Framework 2020-25 annual report that was due to be launched 21 July 2020.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were: -


·         Noting the anniversary since the Council declared the Climate Emergency motion, what progress had been made against the fifteen specific asks of the motion;

·         What progress had been made in retrofitting domestic properties across the range of tenures;

·         How would the Local Plan promote the mitigation of climate change and support the stated ambitions to reduce carbon emissions;

·         An update was sought on the number of carbon / environmental themed engagement events held across the city;

·         An assurance was sought that any consultation on proposals for a Clean Air Plan for Greater Manchester was inclusive and captured the voice of young people;

·         Welcoming the introduction of 27 electric refuse vehicles;

·         Was there any information on the proposals by Manchester Metropolitan University to distribute mobile air quality monitoring stations; and

·         Noting the disappointing response from The Greater Manchester Pension Fund and reiterating the need for them to disinvest from fossil fuels as soon as possible to support the ambitions of Greater Manchester to address climate change. 


The Executive Member for Environment, Planning and Transport addressed the Council motion and described that progress against each of the “asks” which had also been provided within the report submitted for consideration by the Committee. She detailed which actions were either completed or partially completed and described the reasons for this including those which had been impacted by COVID-19. She further stated that she shared the disappointment and frustration of Members in regard to the response from The Greater Manchester Pension Fund. She said the Pension Fund needed to set out a clear pathway so as to address climate change in line with the ambitions of the region, and she would work with her colleagues from across Greater Manchester to continue to lobby on this important issue. 


The Strategic Lead Policy and Partnerships informed the Members that work had been commissioned to understand the cost of retrofitting Northwards properties, and this analysis was being used as the basis to estimate the costs of retrofitting the city’s Private Rented Sector stock but with a 20% uplift to take into account the condition of these properties. . He stated that this would involve significant sums of money to deliver and that bids were being prepared to submit to government as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review. He further stated that confirmation was still awaited on the full details of the Green Homes Grant that had recently been announced by government including eligibility criteria.


The Chair commented that a substantive item on the issue of housing would be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee and this would provide an opportunity for Members to discuss this further.


With regard to the Local Plan, the Head of Local Planning and Infrastructure stated that the existing Core Strategy included the requirement for developments to include a range of environmental standards to mitigate climate change. He commented that Manchester was the first to require BREEAM assessments to be completed for proposed developments, noting that BREEAM assessment were undertaken by independent licensed assessors using scientifically-based sustainability metrics and indices which covered a range of environmental issues. He concluded by saying that the new Manchester Local Plan whilst needing to comply with national guidance would also seek to be ambitious in demanding high environmental standards from ne development and a full consultation exercise would be undertaken.


The Head of Local Planning and Infrastructure informed the Members that a GM wide consultation on the GM Clean Air Plan would be conducted in October 2020. He noted the comments from the Committee regarding the need to ensure this was inclusive and sated that an Equality Impact Assessment of the proposed consultation would be undertaken prior the launch. He acknowledged the need to capture the voice of young people in this exercise. He concluded that further enquiries would be made regarding the proposals by Manchester Metropolitan University to distribute mobile air quality monitoring stations.


The Head of Neighbourhoods described that prior to the COVID-19 lockdown a number of environmental themed resident events had been held across the city, which had included engagement with schools and young people. In addition ward coordination meetings continued to promote environmental issues and local climate change actions. She said work would continue with schools around the issue of active travel and that a list of all events held would be circulated to Members following the meeting.


The Executive Member for Environment, Planning and Transport stated that she had attended a number of events across the city and consideration was being given as to how these can be reinstated in a safe and appropriate manner with regard for the current guidance regarding COVID-19.


The Executive Member for Environment, Planning and Transport summarised the achievements to date of the City Council to address climate change and reduce carbon emissions. She stated that the Council had achieved a 53.8% reduction in its direct CO2 emissions against the target set of 41% between 2009/10 and 2019/20. She said this had been achieved by an ambitious and wide ranging plan of action that had seen the delivery of the civic quarter heat network; the introduction of electric vehicles; the switch to LED street lighting; reducing emissions from the estate; a programme of planting trees; supporting bio diversity and nature based solutions; allocating space for active travel and progressing the introduction of clean air zones. She described that in response to comments from the Committee regular reporting of this progress had also been introduced.


The Executive Member for Environment, Planning and Transport concluded by stating that the impact of COVID-19 was unprecedented and reflection and consideration would be given to this as the city planned for green recovery. She recognised the impact that COVID-19 had on young people and the importance of recognising their concerns and ambitions around climate change. She reiterated that the Council recognised this and supported them. She further commented on the significant socio-economic impact that COVID-19 would have on a large number of residents as the ending of furlough was realised and the impact that have on food and fuel poverty experienced by residents. She stated that this was recognised as a social justice issue and she called upon all partners and local businesses to continue to build upon the good work and help deliver a cleaner, healthier, carbon neutral city.




To note the report.


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