Agenda item

Agenda item

Wythenshawe Hospital Draft Strategic Regeneration Framework

The report of the Strategic Director (Growth and Neighbourhoods) is now attached.


Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) have developed a draft Strategic Regeneration Framework for the transformation of the Wythenshawe Hospital Campus. The draft Framework envisaged the development of the Wythenshawe Hospital Campus and its surroundings as a sustainable health village over a 10 to 15 year period, enhancing the Hospital whilst diversifying uses to include complementary commercial, leisure and retail set within a high quality, greener public realm. These proposed outcomes were in line with the Council’s existing Core Strategy policies for the Hospital and its surrounding area.


It was reported that the draft Framework addressed the opportunities to deliver a range of economic, social and environmental benefits for local residents and across Greater Manchester, whilst also placing net zero carbon ambitions for the Campus at the heart of the strategy. Importantly, the masterplanning work and strategy had considered future changes in accessibility and transport, including major investment in public transport and other strategic transport infrastructure that would enhance the accessibility of the site, as well as improved opportunities for walking, cycling and other sustainable transport planning.


At the forefront of the ambitions set out in the Wythenshawe Campus Strategic Regeneration Framework were the following key objectives:


·         To create an enhanced clinical environment that was in line with modern standards and delivered a hospital that was accessible and welcoming for patients and visitors;

·         To achieve net zero carbon development across the masterplan in line with the commitments of MFT, Bruntwood and Manchester City Council;

·         To deliver inclusive growth, ensuring that the local community derived maximum benefit from the investment into the Campus including (through job creation), local employment and training opportunities;

·         To support a masterplan that provided a range of employment, including jobs that could contribute towards a rise in productivity and pay in the foundational sectors of the economy, such as retail and social care;

·         To create world class research facilities to support the work of clinicians and academics in keeping MFT at the forefront of innovative developments in healthcare;

·         To ensure that MFT continues to attract the best people to work at the Wythenshawe Campus and to create a safe, efficient and stimulating work environment; and

·         To maximise the opportunities to develop MFT land for commercial uses which supported the work of MFT.


It was reported that the benefits to be secured for Wythenshawe, Manchester and Greater Manchester that would arise from the proposals set out in the draft Framework for the Wthenshawe Hospital Campus and its surroundings were potentially very significant


It was explained that subject to the approval, the intention was that the draft Framework would be the subject of a public consultation exercise that would take place between March and June 2020 involving landowners, local residents, businesses, developers, statutory and non-statutory bodies and other local stakeholders. Feedback would be gathered to help refine and finalise the Framework. Once the representations had been assessed, a final version of the Framework, incorporating any necessary amendments, would be brought back to a future meeting of the Executive for consideration and approval.


Councillor Andrews, Ward Councillor for Baguley, was invited to comment on the report. He welcomed the proposals commenting that all local ward councillors were in support of the redevelopment of Wythenshawe Hospital. He raised concerns in relation to the potential impact of construction traffic to local residents and the local area once redevelopment commenced and requested that the Executive worked with its partners, including Transport for Greater Manchester, to ensure that the impact to residents was mitigated as best as possible




1.         To endorse the Wythenshawe Hospital Campus Strategic Regeneration Framework as a basis for public consultation.


2.         To request that in advance of a final version of the Framework being approved, a further report is brought back to the Executive following the public consultation exercise, summarising the consultation responses and any amendments that have been made to the Framework as a result and to include detail on proposal as to how the site will be serviced during construction and by public transport thereafter.

Supporting documents: