Agenda item

Agenda item

Identity, Branding and Marketing

To consider identity, branding and marketing in relation to District Centres.  To include a presentation from Marie Hodgson of Manchester Life on how Manchester Life has created a sense of place in Ancoats.


The Subgroup considered the presentation from Marie Hodgson of Manchester Life on how Manchester Life has created a sense of place in Ancoats.


Marie Hodgson referred to the main points and themes within the presentation which included: -


  • Providing a background to Manchester Life which had been established to respond to the need for housing and to deliver a thriving and safe neighbourhood;
  • An update on the schemes that had been delivered in Ancoats and New Islington and the approach to establishing a sense on neighbourhood, home and belonging, both inside and outside of buildings;
  • The rationale for locating commercial space within neighbourhoods and the encouragement of independent businesses, with due regard given to licensing considerations and fair commercial lease arrangements;
  • The approach to the development of the public realm;
  • The role of the public sector in the development and delivery of the schemes;
  • The approach to minimising the buy to let market;
  • The joint approach to neighbourhood and place management, including working with partners such as Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and Council officers;
  • Describing the role of the ‘Manchester Life Placemaker’ employed by Manchester Life to build the residents’ sense of community, ensure high levels of retention and promote community cohesion; and
  • Noting that the area had become a destination area, with a recognised offer.


Some of the key points that arose from the Subgroup’s discussions were: -


  • Supporting the approach adopted in this area;
  • How was the issue of subletting monitored;
  • Did the service charge reflect the service that was provided;
  • Had apartments been developed for families and were play areas available and any plans for schools in the area;
  • This model should be applied to future plans for Wythenshawe;
  • What was Manchester Life’s response to the Climate Emergency;
  • Noting the importance of a sense of vision and ambition when developing neighbourhoods and noting the importance of safety and stable communities; and
  • Recognising the benefits that could be realised through Public/Private investment in neighbourhoods.


Marie Hodgson stated that there was a policy of no subletting as part of the lease agreement.  She advised that in exceptional circumstances this could be allowed; however, they did everything they could to avoid buy to lets, such as not selling more than one property to one person. She also said that concierges in buildings were important as they could get to know occupiers and know who should or should not be in the building.  


Marie Hodgson informed Members that the service charge was not excessive, stating that the model had been designed to be affordable for working people. She reported they did offer a range of properties including three bedroom apartments and town houses.


Marie Hodgson advised that the Public/Private Partnership model worked very well and had been important to successfully delivering the scheme. She said Manchester Life had invested in and remained committed to the area and were keen to work closely with the Council to support the community, noting that they had a very good working relationship with the Council. She further commented that they had established good relationships with other developers in the area adding that the ethos, behaviours and expectations of Manchester Life would influence other developers.


Marie Hodgson further commented that they currently did not have a climate change policy but recognised the importance of this issue and consideration would be given to developing one. She further commented that measures such as adequate and safe cycle storage was provided to encourage active travel and full recycling facilities were provided for residents. She commented that open spaces were available in the area and opportunities to extend this offer for children and families would be explored.


Marie Hodgson concluded by encouraging Members of the Subgroup to visit the site.


The Executive Member for Housing and Regeneration stated that the lessons learnt from this scheme would be applied to any plans for Wythenshawe District Centre.


The Chair highlighted some of the key themes from this work, including having a strong sense of vision from the start and following that through, the Public/Private partnership, the focus on safety, having animated spaces and having stable communities.




To note the presentation, to suggest that this work would be a useful case study and to request that the presentation slides be circulated to Members of the Subgroup.