Agenda item
Notice of Motion: Kashmir
Manchester is home to a large Kashmiri heritage population, a population which has contributed amazingly to Manchester’s own culture and economy. In 2015 we passed a motion recognizing the Kashmiri Identity as separate from other South Asian identities. Manchester has therefore strong links to both the peoples of Azad Kashmir and Jammu and Kashmir and acknowledges the right of self-determination of all the Kashmiri peoples to live their lives through peaceful governance.
Therefore, this council condemns the actions of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s government in revoking Articles 370 and 35a of the Indian constitution. The Modi government in ending the special status of Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir denies the right of all Kashmiri residents to social and economic protection. It also violates numerous UN resolutions and raises tensions with Pakistan.
The removal of the special status has led to political unrest and there are daily reports of human rights abuse. The region has been flooded with troops to suppress protests and there is an unofficial state of emergency in the Indian-occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmiris in Jammu and Kashmir are on lockdown, have no access to the internet, telephone and travel is prohibited.
Manchester stands strong with the peoples of Jammu and Kashmir, who have the capability and will to self govern and enjoy autonomy.
Therefore, this motion calls on the Chief Executive to send a message of solidarity to the Kashmiri people by writing to the Indian High Commission and requesting that the Indian Government withdraws the repeal of articles 370 and 35a and commits to honoring all United Nations resolutions on the issue, respecting the rights of all Kashmiri citizens in Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir and respecting the rights of Kashmiris to cultural freedom and the right to self-determination.
Proposed by Councillors Nasrin Ali, Seconded by Councillor Razaq and also signed by Councillors Shaukat Ali, Fiaz Riasat, Yasmine Dar, Mary Watson and Jill Lovecy
Motion proposed and seconded:
Manchester is home to a large Kashmiri heritage population, a population which has contributed amazingly to Manchester’s own culture and economy. In 2015 we passed a motion recognizing the Kashmiri Identity as separate from other South Asian identities. Manchester has therefore strong links to both the peoples of Azad Kashmir and Jammu and Kashmir and acknowledges the right of self-determination of all the Kashmiri peoples to live their lives through peaceful governance.
Therefore, this council condemns the actions of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s government in revoking Articles 370 and 35a of the Indian constitution. The Modi government in ending the special status of Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir denies the right of all Kashmiri residents to social and economic protection. It also violates numerous UN resolutions and raises tensions with Pakistan.
The removal of the special status has led to political unrest and there are daily reports of human rights abuse. The region has been flooded with troops to suppress protests and there is an unofficial state of emergency in the Indian-occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmiris in Jammu and Kashmir are on lockdown, have no access to the internet, telephone and travel is prohibited.
Manchester stands strong with the peoples of Jammu and Kashmir, who have the capability and will to self-govern and enjoy autonomy.
Therefore, this motion calls on the Chief Executive to send a message of solidarity to the Kashmiri people by writing to the Indian High Commission and requesting that the Indian Government withdraws the repeal of articles 370 and 35a and commits to honouring all United Nations resolutions on the issue, respecting the rights of all Kashmiri citizens in Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir and respecting the rights of Kashmiris to cultural freedom and the right to self-determination.
The motion was put to Council and voted on and the Lord Mayor declared that is was carried unanimously.
Manchester is home to a large Kashmiri heritage population, a population which has contributed amazingly to Manchester’s own culture and economy. In 2015 we passed a motion recognizing the Kashmiri Identity as separate from other South Asian identities. Manchester has therefore strong links to both the peoples of Azad Kashmir and Jammu and Kashmir and acknowledges the right of self-determination of all the Kashmiri peoples to live their lives through peaceful governance.
Therefore, this council condemns the actions of Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s government in revoking Articles 370 and 35a of the Indian constitution. The Modi government in ending the special status of Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir denies the right of all Kashmiri residents to social and economic protection. It also violates numerous UN resolutions and raises tensions with Pakistan.
The removal of the special status has led to political unrest and there are daily reports of human rights abuse. The region has been flooded with troops to suppress protests and there is an unofficial state of emergency in the Indian-occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmiris in Jammu and Kashmir are on lockdown, have no access to the internet, telephone and travel is prohibited.
Manchester stands strong with the peoples of Jammu and Kashmir, who have the capability and will to self-govern and enjoy autonomy.
Therefore, this motion calls on the Chief Executive to send a message of solidarity to the Kashmiri people by writing to the Indian High Commission and requesting that the Indian Government withdraws the repeal of articles 370 and 35a and commits to honouring all United Nations resolutions on the issue, respecting the rights of all Kashmiri citizens in Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir and respecting the rights of Kashmiris to cultural freedom and the right to self-determination.