Agenda item

Agenda item

BeHeard Survey 2018 outcomes

Presentation by the Director HROD


The Sub Group considered a presentation that provided an overview of the outcomes of the BHeard survey that was conducted in 2018. Officers referred to the main points and themes within the presentation which included:-


·                The context of the BHeard survey;

·                Comparative data on the response rates;

·                Headline results;

·                Comparative data against the 2017 survey results;

·                Identified key strengths of the organisation;

·                Those areas identified for improvement;

·                Response analysis for staff with protected characteristics, by gender and by age;

·                The work to embed the Our Manchester behaviours;

·                Case studies; and

·                A description of the corporate response and the service level response to the survey results.


The Chief Executive outlined the steps being taken to make improvements in relation to the leadership factor.  She reported that she had sought feedback from the top 100 managers on what they thought good leadership looked like and what improvements could be made, which managers had reacted positively to.  She informed Members that the Corporate Plan had been published after the BHeard Survey had taken place and that the Listening in Action sessions had since been changed to ensure that staff and managers understood that there was one single plan and set of priorities that the Council had to deliver together.  She reported that a development programme had now been put in place for senior managers and that a leadership plan was being developed collaboratively with the top 100 managers.


Some of the key points that arose from the Sub Group’s discussions were: -


·                Request for further information on the breakdown of responses to the leadership factor by grade;

·                Request for a list of questions in the survey;

·                Whether exit interviews were carried out with managers who left the organisation;

·                How staff were responding to the new values;

·                Request for information on the service areas which had performed less well in the survey; and

·                What plans were in place to fill the post of Director of HR and OD.


The Head of Workforce Strategy provided the Sub Group with further detail of the responses to the leadership factor, broken down by grade.  The Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources highlighted the recent changes in organisational culture, including the introduction of Our Manchester ways of working and changes in performance management, and advised that this would have impacted on the results, as staff and managers were still adapting to this new approach.  He reported that he expected next year’s results to show clear progress, as these changes became more embedded. 


The Head of HR Operations reported that all staff leaving the organisation were offered the opportunity for an exit interview, which could be carried out by their line manager or an HR officer.  She advised Members that staff might have previously felt that there were too many different lists of values, behaviours and priorities but that the Corporate Plan pulled everything together into a single plan for the organisation.  She informed Members about work taking place to develop managers’ softer skills so that they could manage staff behaviours.


The Head of Workforce Strategy provided information on the services which had performed less well in the survey, reporting that focussed work was taking place with these services but that a number of them had improved significantly on their results from 2017.


The Chief Executive informed Members that the Council had started the process of recruiting a new Director of HR and OD.  She reported that, as it could take about 6 months to get someone in post, arrangements had been made for two officers to cover this work and that the Council was also exploring the option of bringing in additional interim support. The Members said that this appointment was of great concern and that they would like to see someone permanent in post as soon as possible.




(1)       To request an update report in 6 months’ time.


(2)       To request that the list of questions in the BHeard Survey be circulated to Members of the Sub Group.

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