Agenda item
Local Area Energy Plan - Progress Update
Report of the Strategic Director, Growth and Development
This report is focused on Manchester City Council’s activity in relation to the city’s use of energy and how the city can move from using fossil fuels to greener, renewable energy supply, and ultimately supporting Manchester’s journey to zero carbon by 2038.
The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director, Growth and Development that provided an update on Manchester City Council’s activity in relation to the city’s use of energy and how the city could move from using fossil fuels to greener, renewable energy supply, and ultimately supporting Manchester’s journey to zero carbon by 2038.
Key points and themes in the report included:
· Providing an introduction and background;
· Describing that Local Area Energy Plans (LAEP) provided a roadmap for achieving Manchester’s zero carbon target from an energy perspective;
· Describing progress to date since the last update report to Committee in July 2023;
· Discussion of the Net Zero Accelerator programme and Manchester’s Local Net Zero Accelerator;
· Discussion of the opportunities to drive net zero investment as part of the regeneration plan for Wythenshawe;
· Progress and opportunities identified across different asset classes; and
· Next steps.
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:
· Welcoming the progress reported and noting that this development contributed to a just transition and would contribute to addressing fuel poverty;
· How would the impact be assessed and reported;
· What were the environmental impacts of LAEP;
· An update on the options for delivery of a heat network in Wythenshawe; and
· Noting that it was reported that 12% of Manchester’s total carbon emissions came from commercial buildings and that just 9% of commercial buildings in Manchester (170 buildings over 5,000m2) were responsible for over 60% of emissions from this sector and what was being done to address this.
The Net Zero Programme Lead stated that the issue of fuel poverty and a just transition was fully understood and acknowledged, adding that the LAEP would support the Manchester journey to becoming zero carbon by 2038. She added that the delivery of the LAEP would be evidence based and would inform decision making and the priority of delivery and investment. She said this approach would also inform the pipeline of associated projects as this work progressed. She said that ongoing evaluation and reporting was also required to be submitted to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.
The Net Zero Programme Lead commented that capacity had been increased in the team to deliver the work and consideration was being given as to the future reporting of the impact of the LAEP, noting that the carbon emissions report for the city, produced by the Climate Change Agency/Partnership would capture the impact of the LAEP in future years.
The Assistant Director, Infrastructure & Environment commented that the LAEP would support opportunities to develop new initiatives and delivery of strategies such as the Manchester Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy. She said the LAEP would also provide an opportunity to group projects and workstreams so that they were commercially attractive and best support residents and communities.
The Net Zero Programme Lead stated that whilst the report described the approach in one neighbourhood the development of the LAEP was mindful of the city as a whole and they were mindful of the fact that additional developments, such as an increase in electric vehicles would result in an increased demand for electricity. She reported that conversations were ongoing with Electricity North West to understand and model those projections.
The Net Zero Programme Lead stated that a feasibility study was underway to explore options for delivery of a potential heat network in Wythenshawe. She said this would also include exploring new innovations and technology as alternatives to natural gas.
The Net Zero Programme Lead commented that the Council had less direct control over commercial buildings however this sector had been identified as a priority action for the Climate Change Agency/Partnership.
The Executive Member for Clean Air, Environment and Transport commented that conversations continued to address the issue of emissions from buildings that the Council had no direct control over. She added that the Committee would continue to be kept updated on the design and delivery of relevant projects, and she welcomed the comments and continued challenge from the Committee.
To note the report.
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