Agenda item

Agenda item

Overview of the Food, Health & Safety and Airport Team

Report of the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods)


The report provides the Committee with an overview of the compliance activities carried out by the Food, Health & Safety and Airport Team which is part of the Community Safety, Compliance and Enforcement Service.


The Committee considered the report of the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods) that provided an overview of the Food, Health & Safety and Airport service.


Key points and themes in the report included:


·         Providing an introduction and background;

·         Discussion of the approach to food safety, hygiene and standards;

·         Airport Border Control Post (BCP) and Port Health Authority, noting that Manchester Airport was designated as a BCP, meaning that imported products intended for commercial use in Great Britain could arrive at the BCP and after undergoing certain checks satisfactorily, could then enter the country;

·         Discussion of the enforcement of Health and Safety at Work legislation in England, noting this responsibility was split between the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) and Local Authorities;

·         Discussion of Public Health protection in relation to infectious disease control;

·         Advice available to businesses, noting that the level of advice that could be provided during routine day to day work was limited due to resource and sometimes businesses required or requested more detailed advice;

·         Providing a number of detailed case studies across a range of activities; and

·         Consideration of challenges and future initiatives.


Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:


·         If concerns were raised about a particular business premises would this result in enquiries being made into any other business the owner had control of;

·         More needed to be done to raise awareness of the different rating systems;

·         Expressing concern regarding the frequency of inspections set by the new Food Standards Delivery Model (FSDM) for local authority officers; and

·         Expressing disappointment that it was not currently mandatory in England for food businesses to display their Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) rating.


The Compliance & Enforcement Specialist stated that the team followed all national guidance and clarified that FSDM related to food standards and not hygiene standards. She commented that if any concerns were raised in relation to food standards they would always investigate. She said that if concerns were raised regarding standards at a premises a risk assessment would be undertaken to inform any further enquiries and inspections of businesses controlled by that owner and provided examples of different scenarios. In response to a specific question relating to the transporting of food, noting the proliferation of bicycle food courier services she said they would investigate any complaints regarding unhygienic transportation.


In regard to the requirement to display Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) ratings, she commented that she acknowledged the Committee’s frustration. She said that whilst the team worked with businesses regarding awareness of this issue the team was restricted to the amount of capacity they could dedicate to any specific proactive work. The Neighbourhood Manager commented that the FSA did work proactively with online platforms such as Just Eat to encourage them to promote ratings. She commented that the FSA also lobbied for a change to the national legislation.


The Executive Member for Vibrant Neighbourhoods commented that she would continue to lobby the government for a change in the legislation and called for it to be mandatory in England for food businesses to display their Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) rating.


The Chair, in concluding this item of business, acknowledged the significant amount of work undertaken by the team on behalf of the residents of the city and she requested that the Committee’s appreciation be relayed to all staff concerned.




To note the report.


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