Agenda item
Preparations for Bonfire Night
Report of the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods).
This report provides a summary of partnership operations to address seasonal increases in anti-social behaviour associated with Bonfire Night.
The committee considered a report of the Strategic Director (Neighbourhoods) which provided a summary of partnership operations to address seasonal increases in antisocial behaviour (ASB) associated with Bonfire Night.
Key points and themes within the report included:
· The number of ASB incidents involving fireworks reported between September and November had reduced year on year (with the exception of 2021) down to 266 in 2023 from a high in 2019 of 539, although it was acknowledged that incidents of ASB can go unreported;
· The Greater Manchester Bonfire and Halloween campaign led by Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue (GMFRS);
· Multi-agency operations had been developed and involved partners such as GMFRS, GMP, Council teams, housing providers and youth providers;
· Activities that would take place during each phase of these operations; and
· Community activities in parks.
Some of the key points and queries that arose from the committee’s discussions included:
· Antisocial behaviour related to Bonfire Night was happening earlier each year;
· What targeted work was undertaken to tackle premises selling fireworks to young people;
· What measures were in place to prevent the sale of illegal fireworks;
· What events were taking place in Heaton Park in lieu of an organised bonfire;
· Clean-up operations after Bonfire Night;
· How reporting methods were communicated to residents;
· What non-digital communications would be provided to residents;
· How cases of ASB were triaged by the Council and emergency services;
· The positive outcomes of the community activities in parks;
· What constituted an “illegal” bonfire;
· Highlighting the Lightopia event in Heaton Park in December; and
· Highlighting the health benefits of not hosting a bonfire, particularly for respiratory illnesses.
The Head of Compliance, Enforcement and Community Safety stated that incidents of ASB related to fireworks had been tracked for several years and there was a reduction year-on-year excluding 2022. She explained that a multi-agency response to ASB was in place and updated policing operational plans for North, South and Central Manchester had been received from GMP and elected members and partners had been contacted with information on local activities and to provide an opportunity to disclose further information and intelligence. This was a well-established approach which was helping to address ASB around Bonfire Night.
The Strategic Lead (Community Safety) advised that officers had acted on intelligence regarding underage sales of fireworks and encouraged members to share any information with the ASBAT and trading standards teams.
The Parks Strategy Manager stated that a considerable alternative community event offer was in place over the last two years since the decision was made not to host the bonfire at Heaton Park. 30 events had been held across all wards and parks in the city that would have traditionally held a Bonfire Night event and a significant number of these were held in Heaton Park.
In response to a query regarding clean-up operations after Bonfire Night, the Head of Compliance, Enforcement and Community Safety stated that waste and the build-up of bonfires were big factors in the multi-agency operation. She explained that the Compliance teams remained alert to any build-up of bonfires and were authorised to remove these in advance and particularly in areas of vulnerable land. Officers would also identify areas requiring clean-up after Bonfire Night and waste contractors and additional resources were in place for this.
Regarding communication to residents, the Strategic Lead (Community Safety) informed members that work had been undertaken with GMFRS and partners to formulate key messages and social media channels such as Facebook and TikTok would be utilised. Officers and partners would also be out within wards and communities to speak with residents, particularly in areas where there had been previous issues around Bonfire Night, and a letter had been drafted which explained how to be safe around Bonfire Night and how to report incidents. A communications kit consisting of posters and distribution packs had been developed as part of the GM-wide campaign and the Chair suggested these be circulated to places of high footfall, such as supermarkets and libraries. A member also suggested that a banner be added to the Council website for residents to quickly report ASB and illegal bonfires including by telephone and the Strategic Lead (Community Safety) endeavoured to raise this with the Communications team. The Strategic Lead (Community Safety) explained that ASB and illegal bonfires could be reported to the Council by calling the switchboard on 0161 234 5000 and to the emergency services on 101 or 999 in an emergency.
The Head of Compliance, Enforcement and Community Safety highlighted that the majority of reports of ASB would be directed to the police who would triage cases, and the Council would liaise with partners if there was a build-up of reports of ASB to target resources appropriately.
Members were advised that trading standards wrote to businesses in the run-up to Bonfire Night to remind them of their obligations and the legalities around the sale of fireworks. Trading standards would also take action and undertake inspections and test purchases where intelligence was received.
In response the Chair’s query regarding positive outcomes of the community activities, the Parks Strategy Manager highlighted a greater community family feel to events and how these helped to develop community groups and partners, such as the café operator in Cringle Park and Blossom at Wythenshawe Park. He also emphasised that these events had been well-received by the local community.
The Head of Compliance, Enforcement and Community Safety agreed to share a definition of an illegal bonfire following the meeting.
In concluding this item of business, the Chair thanked the Community Safety, ASBAT and Parks teams and partners for their work in keeping the community safe over Bonfire Night.
That the committee
1. notes the report, and
2. requests further information on the events taking place in Heaton Park in lieu of an organised bonfire.
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