Agenda item
Planning For Winter 2024/25
Report of the Deputy Place Based Lead and the Executive Director of Adult Social Services
This report provides an overview of the key elements of the approach to winter planning 2024/25 alongside organisational updates relating to what will be delivered by partner organisations.
The Committee considered the report of the Deputy Place Based Lead and the Executive Director Adult Social Services that provided an overview of the key elements of the approach to winter planning 2024/25 alongside organisational updates relating to what would be delivered by partner organisations.
Key points and themes in the report included:
- Providing an introduction and background;
- Describing that the Manchester System Winter Planning Group had been established to support the development of organisational winter plans;
- Noting that the Manchester and Trafford Urgent Care Summit on 24 September 2024 would provide further scrutiny and support for Winter planning;
- As with previous winter planning, the system resilience team would ensure robust governance through the system winter plan;
- An update on the Winter Communications Plan;
- Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) System Plan;
- UEC Discharge and Capacity Funds;
- Information on the Operational Pressures Escalation Levels (OPEL) Framework; and
- Organisational winter deliverables, by the following organisations:
- The Greater Manchester System Coordination Centre
- North West Ambulance Service (NWAS)
- Manchester Foundation Trust (MFT)
- Manchester and Trafford Local Care Organisation (MLCO)
- Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH)
- Manchester Primary Care
- Manchester Public Health
Some of the key points that arose from the Committee’s discussions were:
- Recognising that the Committee had received regular reports on this important activity over previous years;
- Acknowledging that winter planning was an ongoing process and recognised the important positive contribution all partners made to this;
- Welcoming the reported increase in the Discharge and Capacity Funds;
- Further information was sought on the take up rates of the flu vaccination; and
- Did congestion on the roads impede NWAS.
In response to the specific question relating to the flu vaccination the Deputy Place Based Lead stated that a representative from Public Health had been scheduled to attend the meeting but unfortunately were unable to attend on this occasion. He said that the requested information would be circulated following the meeting. The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care added that the approach to promoting the flu vaccination would build upon previous years campaigns.
The Head of Operations, NWAS said that whilst congestion was a challenge to the service, this was not unique to Manchester. He said that to mitigate this regular updates to the highways network and other sources of intelligence were used to assist ambulance crews. He said this was evidenced as the response times in Manchester were very good. The Medical Director, North Manchester General Hospital acknowledged this contribution and added that the hospital worked closely with NWAS to prevent delays in patient handover times. He said that this activity was monitored very closely as it was recognised that this had an impact on patient safety. He made reference to the very good record of this at North Manchester General Hospital and the intention was to see this model of good practice replicated across all hospital sites in Manchester.
In concluding this item of business, the Chair invited each organisation representative to inform the Committee of something they were especially proud of over the previous week. Having heard the different positive examples articulated the Committee stated they were incredibly proud of all their dedication and work delivered for the benefit of Manchester citizens.
To note the report.
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