Agenda item
137226/FO/2023 - Part Of Plot C And Plot E Great Jackson Street Manchester M15 4NP
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing regarding an application for full planning permission for the demolition of existing structures and the phased construction of four residential buildings (two at 47 storeys and two at 51 storeys) to provide 1,746 homes (Use Class C3), flexible commercial, leisure, food and drink uses (all Use Class E) and / or drinking establishment (Sui Generis), basement car parking, cycle parking, landscaping and public realm, servicing and access arrangements, highways alterations and associated works.
There were 56 representations, 3 in support and 53 objections.
The Planning Officer noted that the late representations had been circulated that included two further objections, and corrected some of the drafting of the original report. An objection considered the proposal to not comply with policy EN2 regarding delivery and viability of tall buildings. Their concerns related to the lack of a guarantee of a funding partner for funding to be available for a scheme that is unviable. The Planning Officer noted that the Committee are aware that the applicant has delivered schemes in this area, and elsewhere, in similar challenging financial circumstances, with Officers of the belief that this highlights that the scheme does comply with policy EN2 and would comply with the development plan when read as a whole.
The applicant’s agent noted that the applicant had a long-term commitment to transform the area, having already delivered over 3,000 homes alongside other supporting infrastructure. They addressed the objectors concerns regarding a funding partner, noting it was rare for this type of application to have a funding partner without the necessary Planning Permission. The application could deliver a large green space that would be publicly accessible by removing a large tower originally proposed. The application was forecast to create a number of jobs, both during and after construction. The proposals are energy efficient.
Members raised concerns regarding the lack of Affordable Housing within the proposal. A member did note that the viability assessment regarding this had been done as would be expected, but the outcome was still disappointing.
The Planning Officer acknowledged the importance of Affordable Housing but accepted that the conclusion had been that it was currently not viable, and this had been tested independently. They did inform the Committee that the viability would be retested when a significant part of the scheme was completed, usually around 80%. If this showed Affordable Housing to be viable at this stage, Officer’s would work to achieve the maximum amount of affordable housing possible.
Members then raised concerns about the limited provision for children within the scheme and queried if the employment opportunities would include apprenticeships.
The Planning Officer noted that whilst there was no specific provision for children within the application, that had been provided in previous schemes. The Committee could add a condition for this to be looked at further. In terms of employment, it was noted that a Local Labour Agreement would be required to be delivered, and it was expected that apprenticeships would form part of that.
A member raised concerns regarding the impact on light for nearby buildings, but noted they were pleased with the positive response regarding children’s spaces.
The Planning Officer accepted that the figures did look challenging regarding light due to being a clear site, but this is an area where tall, high-density buildings were expected. They acknowledged that there were impacts but they were within acceptable levels.
A member raised again their concerns regarding the lack of Affordable Housing yet noted that the report stated the application would go towards targets. They also sought clarity on if there were any height limits on developments in this area.
The Planning Officer noted that the report clearly set out that the scheme could not deliver Affordable Housing. They stated that there was an indicative framework for the areas development and the proposals were broadly in line with that.
Councillor Curley moved the Officer’s recommendations with an additional condition for the applicant to consider children’s play spaces.
Councillor S. Ali seconded the proposal.
The Committee resolved to be minded to approve subject to a legal agreement for a review mechanism for a financial contribution towards off site affordable housing and for off-site bio-diversity mitigation, with an additional condition for the applicant to re-consider children’s play spaces within the application.
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