Agenda item
Annual Property Report 2024
Report of the Deputy Chief Executive and the Strategic Director (Growth and Development).
This report provides an update on property activity since the last Annual Property Report to Resources and Governance Scrutiny Committee in December 2023.
The committee considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive and the Strategic Director (Growth and Development) which provided an update on property activity since the last report to the committee in December 2023.
Key points and themes within the report included:
· Achievements of the Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) programme over the last 12 months;
· Key developments across the city centre, Wythenshawe, Moston Lane, Gorton, Newton Heath, Central Park and Strangeways;
· Major regeneration projects such as Project 500, Grey Mare Lane and Clayton Canalside;
· The property management and professional services contract was now in-sourced following the transfer of 16.5 FTE employees from Jacobs UK to the Council;
· Activity within the Operational Estate and Facilities teams, including the refurbishment of the Council depot at Hammerstone Road and supporting the Gorton Hub;
· The Annual Maintenance Programme; and
· The Council’s Property Asset Database (CPAD).
Some of the key points and queries that arose from the committee’s discussion included:
· The importance of the Council being a good neighbour on sites it owns;
· Responsibility for fire safety;
· The Moston Lane Neighbourhood Development Framework masterplan; and
· Which wards the Council’s 123 surplus assets were located in.
In response to members’ queries, the Director of Development explained that a number of sites were earmarked for development and that the condition of some properties needed to be improved. He stated that the Council had insourced a property management function in May and was currently in an onboarding period, with the focus of the service being on compliance and confidence going forward.
Members were also advised that a premises compliance group worked to ensure that robust fire management arrangements were in place in Council-owned assets. Risk assessments had been conducted for properties deemed to be high- and medium-risk and these would be completed for all low-risk properties by the end of the year.
The Director of Development informed the committee that the consultation period for the Moston Lane Neighbourhood Development Framework masterplan had concluded and that this would provide strong plans and investment opportunities to transform the high street and deliver housing. He stated that officers were currently seeking further clarity on the land and ongoing dialogue on acquisitions was taking place and expected to conclude within six months. He explained that the procurement process was likely to progress further in 2025, noting that the overall regeneration process did not happen quickly. The Executive Member for Housing and Development also highlighted that early work had taken place with Shared Prosperity Funding on pocket parks and alleyways to improve the area.
In response to a query from the Chair regarding where surplus assets were located, the Head of Investment Estate explained that the list of surplus assets was generated from property records, which could be shared with members to make them aware of what assets were in their ward. He stated that member engagement had been brought forward to earlier in the SAMP review process and recognised the importance of the views of ward members, which the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Housing and Development both reiterated. ?
The Deputy Leader agreed to liaise with a member outside of the meeting regarding consultation over the redevelopment at Church Street. The Chair suggested that members may benefit from individual meetings with the Head of Investment Estate to discuss assets within their respective wards.
To note the report.
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