Agenda item
139751/FO/2024 - Fallowfield Shopping Centre Birchfields Road Manchester M14 6FS - Rusholme Ward
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The Committee considered the report for the erection of a new foodstore (Use Class E) and 1no. retail unit (Use Class E) and 1no. hot food delivery unit (sui generis) with associated car parking and landscaping.
Planning permission was granted in May 2022 for a new foodstore, following the demolition of existing retail units on this site.
The current application also proposes the erection of a new foodstore (Use Class E) to be operated by Lidl, with associated car parking and 2no. new sub-let units, within Fallowfield Shopping Centre.
The main changes between the two applications relates to an increase to the proposed building footprint, alterations to the car parking arrangement, the addition of a further sub-let retail unit and the loss of the existing medical centre.
Following notification of the application, one representation has been received, objecting to the proposal, on the grounds undue operational and construction.
The key issues were:
- Regeneration and sustainable location within an established shopping centre. The application site relates to accessible, brownfield land and would offer favourable regeneration to provide appropriately scaled economic development which would create a range of local employment opportunities.
- Loss of the existing medical centre. The site currently accommodates a medical centre to be demolished and not re-provided. This issue is covered in detail in the body of the report.
- Environmental. The proposed redevelopment has the potential to bring about significant environmental and visual improvements, offering the redevelopment of an underutilised brownfield site to deliver a modern foodstore development. Such development would improve the appearance of a prominent site adjacent to a key arterial route.
- Impact to residential amenity. Given the context of the proposal within an out-of-town retail park, the levels of activity would not be untypical.
- Impact to the operation of the highway. The application has been considered by both TfGM and Highways Services. Subject to necessary off-site highway works to be secured by an attached planning condition, no significant issues are raised.
The agent for the applicant attended the hearing and addressed the Committee on the application, stating that the application reflected the Lidl operating model. He commented that the provision of car parking had been increased from 94 to 102 and the proposal would deliver 40 new jobs and the subletting of two retail units. He commented that there had been no objections from statutory consultees. He said that the NHS were of the opinion that that the current medical centre building was not fit for purpose, and it was understood that the NHS who operated the medical centre were presently exploring options for its relocation nearby and they had been granted an additional 12 months to secure an alternative site.
Councillor Kilpatrick asked if approval had been agreed with HS2 to develop the site, noting that the northern part of a site currently used for wider car parking provision and was previously earmarked for a HS2 ventilation shaft. This area was still subject to a safeguarding direction.
Councillor Hewitson noted that the medical centre was very well used by residents and welcomed the agreement reached to allow the NHS 12 months to secure an alternative site.
The Planning Officer stated that HS2 had given their approval for the site to be developed subject to appropriate conditions.
Councillor Kamal moved the recommendation to approve the application.
Councillor Hughes seconded this motion.
The Committee resolved to Approve the application.
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