Agenda item

Agenda item

138662/FO/2023 - 98 Wilmslow Road Manchester M14 5AL - Moss Side Ward

The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.


The Committee considered the report that described the proposal for the erection of a 4 storey building to form 42 no. residential units (Use Class C3) with ground floor commercial restaurant / cafe and retail units (Use Class E and sui generis), car parking, cycle parking and associated infrastructure following the demolition of the existing building on site.


Following the notification process of the application proposals 13 responses were received 11 of these raising concerns and objections and 2 indicating support.


The key issues were:


- The scale and massing of the proposals.

- Impact on residential amenity and neighbouring properties.

- Highway impacts arising from the development.

- Demolition and construction impacts.


The agent for the applicant attended the hearing and addressed the Committee on the application, stating that they had worked closely with the Planning Department to address the issues relating to the previous decision to refuse and submit an amended application. These amendments included an alteration to the northern elevation facing the adjacent ‘Jobs Centre Plus building’ to improve the window relationship of proposed residential units to that site and also alterations to the internal layout including relocation of the entrances to the retail units so these reflect the more commercial frontages on Wilmslow Road and Grandale Street opposite the site. These amendments were subject to further renotification of residents and consultees. He said that the hight and footprint of the proposal had been reduced and the architecture was sympathetic to the local area, and an increase in onsite car parking and the provision of 100% secure cycle storage. He said that occupants of these high quality residential properties would not be able to access the local residents parking zone in the area, noting that the site was well accessed by sustainable modes of transport and there had been no objections to the amended proposal by Highways. The agent concluded by stating that he was confident that sufficient measures and controls had been proposed to address any concerns and requested the Committee endorse the Planning Officers recommendation to approve the application.


The Chair invited the Committee to ask questions or make comments


Councillor Gartside stated that she recognised the benefits of developing this site and welcomed the application. She enquired about the implications of the amendments to parking bays on Grandale Road.


Councillor Kilpatrick welcomed the provision of 100% secure and covered cycle parking provision within the ground floor of the development. He commented that the development would deliver 15 on-site car parking spaces and questioned whether this would be sufficient for the number of units. He further sought an opinion as to whether it would be lawful to exclude residents from this development from having access to the Resident Parking Zone scheme.


The Planning Officer stated that the loss of the parking bay was on the North side of Grandale Street and was not one that was part of the Resident Parking Zone scheme, adding that the bay to the South side would not be lost. He said that the option proposed by the applicant to the removal of the northern parking bays and conversion of the southern bays from ‘3-hour maximum stay’ bays to ‘1-hour maximum stay’ bays is accepted in principle. He said that any costs associated with any amendments to the Traffic Regulation Order would be met by the applicant.


Councillor Davies said that Condition 9 provided no assurances in relation to the management and operation of internal risers to manage fumes, vapours and odours that were discharged from the retail units. She said that issues such as noise nuisance and fire risks could result from such installations.


The Planning Officer stated that the ongoing maintenance of the internal ducts would be required through the details to be submitted as part of the discharge of that condition. and  would be agreed in consultation with the Planning Department and the Environmental Health Department.


Councillor S. Ali moved the recommendation to be Minded to Approve for the application.


Councillor Riasat seconded this motion.




The Committee resolved to be Minded to Approve subject to the signing of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a late stage review of the viability to determine if there is any uplift in conditions to warrant a contribution towards affordable housing; and, provision of car club membership for 2 years and not permitting residents of the development applying for resident parking permits.

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