Agenda item

Agenda item

Summary Review of a Premises Licence - Cargo, Units 5 And 6, The Printworks, Withy Grove, Manchester, M4 2BS

The report of the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.


The Hearing Panel considered a report from the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing concerning a review of a premises licence under s53C of the Licensing Act 2003.  The Hearing Panel also considered the written papers of the parties submitted and the oral representations of the parties who attended as well as the relevant legislation.


In line with the established procedure for such hearings, the Panel considered the oral representations from PC Alan Isherwood of Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and the content of the report.  The Panel heard that on 29 May 2024, an application was made by GMP under s53A of the Licensing Act 2003 for a Summary Review of the Premises Licence for Cargo, Units 5 And 6, The Printworks, Withy Grove, Manchester, M4 2BS.  The application for a summary review was submitted on the grounds that the premises were associated with serious disorder involving an under 18 event that had been put on for young people. On 31 May 2024, a Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Panel held a hearing to consider taking such interim steps and the decision of the Panel was to modify conditions on the licence.


The Premises Licence Holder clarified that they had not made any representations against the interim steps taken by the licensing authority and had implemented the steps with immediate effect following the Hearing. 


GMP stated that they were now seeking the interim steps to be made as permanent conditions on Premises Licence Holder’s license.


The Premises Licence Holder confirmed that they would not object to making the interim steps permanent conditions on their license.


After hearing the representations from all parties concerned, the Hearing Panel retired to consider the statements and evidence submitted.


After considering the application the Chair of the Hearing Panel informed all parties present of the decision


The Panel took into account the content of the report and the representation of both parties. The Panel noted that the incident which led to the review was an isolated incident resulting from an event for 11-16 year olds and heard from GMP that this was not a problematic premises when operating with their usual customer base and there had been no incidents of concern prior to this event.   The Committee was satisfied that in all the circumstances the licensing objectives should not be undermined if the licence was modified with the addition of these conditions and considered it appropriate to amend the licence in this way.




The Panel agree:-


(1)   That the interim steps should remain in place

(2)   To modify the licence on the grounds of protection of children from harm and prevention of crime and disorder with the addition of the below conditions:-


  •             No under 18 events to take place at the premises.
  •             All SIA registered door staff on duty to wear body cam and use it to record incidents of concern.
  •             To amend condition 20 to include the following
    • 20.  ii. ..... and to actively deter customers from congregating outside the premises.

Supporting documents: