Agenda item

Agenda item

137994/FO/2023 - Manchester Islamic High School for Girls, 55 High Lane, Manchester, M21 9FA - Chorlton Ward

The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.


The Committee considered the erection of 12 no. 2.5 storey dwellinghouses; a pair of three storey semi-detached dwellinghouses; a three storey building comprising 6 no. apartments; the retention and change of use of the existing mansion house together with the erection of a two storey side extension to form 2 no. dwellinghouses; creation of vehicular access points, associated landscaping, car parking and boundary treatment following the demolition of the other existing buildings and structures.


The proposal relates to the erection of twelve two and half storey houses fronting Acres Road, a three storey building comprising six apartments fronting Stockton Road and the retention and change of use of the existing mansion house fronting High Lane, together with a two storey side extension to form two houses and the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings in the location of a former extension to the mansion house with the creation of vehicular access points, landscaping, car parking and boundary treatment.


The application site comprises a brownfield site measuring 0.4 hectares within Wilbraham Road /Edge Lane Conservation Area within Chorlton Ward.


The proposals were subject to the notification by way of 269 letters to nearby addresses, a site notice was posted at the site and an advertisement placed in the Manchester Evening News.


The Planning Officer had nothing to add to the printed report.


The agent for the applicant attended and addressed the Committee on the application. The agent thanked the planning team for their diligence. This scheme would improve the lives of current residents. The Islamic High School for Girls has already moved to another area and this site could now provide 22 new homes. The applicant had carried out consultations with residents and Ward Councillors at all times, having submitted the application in 2023. Residents’ comments, along with those of the Highways Team, had shaped the project and the height of buildings and parking issues had been altered accordingly. The agent considered that the applicant had done everything practically possible to make this scheme acceptable. Demolition of the outbuildings would cause less than substantial harm. There would be three access roads into the site. The site had limited ecological foundations and this would actually be improved by this development. A high quality living environment would be created. There was no affordable housing available on this site owing to the lack of viability and the agent closed their statement by adding that this was a sustainable location and work would commence promptly if agreed by the Committee today.


Local Ward Councillor Benham addressed the Committee and stated that he and Councillor Hacking had been involved in the consultations on this development and welcomed these changes. There were traffic concerns, however and he wished to remain involved in how conditions were discharged, referring to Sections 10, 11, 12, 13 and 17 of the Conditions to be attached to the decision area of the report.


The Planning Officer stated that Acres Road would be widened as part of the development with a pavement put in place, plus on street parking all kept within context of the surrounding area. Ward Councillors would be kept involved and updated.


The Chair invited the Committee to ask questions or make comments.


Councillor Kilpatrick questioned what happened to the provision of affordable housing for this development and also enquired on whether EV charging was to be available for each household, noting that there were 6 parking spaces but 2 charging points.


The Planning Officer responded to say that the constrained conditions and land value did not allow for affordable housing after further financial matters were considered. This had been fully tested. Usually, there was a ratio of 20% EV charging per amount of dwellingspaces but the Planning Officer confirmed that the planning team would work with the developer to increase this.


Councillor Curley moved the officer’s recommendation. Councillor Riasat seconded the proposal.




The Committee resolved to be Minded to Approve subject to comments regarding EV charging and the signing of a Section 106 agreement to require re-testing of viability.


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