Agenda item
138788/FO/2023 - Land at Mount Road, Manchester - Longsight Ward
The report of the Director of Planning, Building Control and Licensing is enclosed.
The Committee considered the erection of a youth, sports and community hub (Use Class E(d)(g)), F2(b)), 2 no. football pitches, combined netball and basketball court, cricket strip (Use Class F2 (c)), a three storey building comprising 36 no. apartments for young persons accommodation (Use Class C3) and 267 no. dwellinghouses (Use Class C3a), with associated landscaping, public realm, ecological mitigation, refuse storage, drainage, car parking and other associated works, with access from Wembley Road and Mount Road.
The scheme proposed new family homes for affordable rent and shared ownership (through a Registered Provider), together with purpose-designed independent living accommodation for young people aged 18 – 25. who are leaving the care system at 18 years old, are in work and are at risk of homelessness. In addition, the development would deliver a youth, sports and community hub with associated sports facilities which would have benefits for the local community.
The Planning Officer stated that this application, if it were agreed today, the applicant had agreed to meet the full cost of the off-site play provision at Debdale Park. This would be included in the legal agreement and the recommendation was Minded to Approve, subject to that legal agreement.
The agent for the applicant attended the hearing and addressed the Committee on the application, stating that this site was to be a youth sports and community hub, managed by Greater Manchester Youth Federation. Additionally, 36 individual living apartments for young people, owned and operated by CentrePoint. Lots of work and funding had been investing in youth services and session by GMYF and this site represented a unique opportunity with no viable future in its current state. A funding package was available for youth workers and would help meet needs of young people. Grass pitches would be created for football, basketball, netball and cricket strip plus two replacement pitches at Debdale Park. All accommodation would be for either affordable rent or shared ownership with 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom options. Support would be offered to young people via charity work and life skills. The construction of the proposal would create jobs and there would be 220 new trees added. A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and crossing were proposed as part of the package. 1 bicycle would be provided for every home plus EV charging. There would also be solar panels across the whole site. The agent closed by stating that no objections had been received and asked the Committee to grant the application today.
Local Ward Councillor Richards addressed the Committee and stated that some areas of the site in its current form had not been used for football/sports for up to a decade and regularly suffered from fly tipping. Councillor Richards had reached out to GMYF and spoke with other Ward Councillors about working on facilities at this site. What has been achieved here had outstripped expectations. Time had been spent working with Melland School and others. This was a proud moment as there would be the first Centrepoint for independent care leavers studios with 32% at affordable rates for 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed properties. There were issues, in that the site was surrounded by schools. There were 2 specialist schools among these local schools so safety on Mount Road would need to be improved and the location of the crossing could be a problem. Councillor Richards wanted to put on record that she wanted traffic calming in the vicinity of this development if agreed with a crossing point. All the work on Debdale Park did not pose any problem but nobody should be put at risk by this scheme. Councillor Richards concluded by stating that there was real need for community provision and she offered her support to this development.
The Planning Officer noted that all comments had been covered by the agent and Councillor Richards.
The Chair invited the Committee to ask questions or make comments.
Councillor Curley expressed that this was a good report and well needed for this area to invest in young people. Councillor Richards comments around traffic calming close to 2 specialist schools and 2 mainstream schools was noted as sensible and Councillor Curley agreed that the Committee would need to keep sight of this in their decision today.
The Planning Officer stated that there was a condition for off-site highway works, including traffic regulation orders and that the wording could be looked into which could be taken away and worked on with the Highways team.
Councillor Hughes supported the scheme as a great use for young people and congratulated the developers and Ward Councillor in their combined efforts. He noted that traffic lights would be needed at the junction.
Councillor Gartside spoke of how all Councillors would welcome similar schemes in their wards and asked if the Community Hub aspect was protected.
The Planning Officer confirmed that the Community Hub had full viability and would be delivered as part of the project.
Councillor S Ali moved the officer’s recommendation. Councillor Hughes seconded the proposal.
The Committee resolved to be of Minded to Approve for the application, subject to section 106 agreement affordable housing, to enable the re-testing of the viability of the scheme should there be a delay in the implementation of the planning permission, together with a financial contribution to the development of pitches within Debdale Park, reprovision of sports pitches on the site.
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