Agenda item

Agenda item

Constitution of the Council




The Council approve the recommendations made by the Constitutional and Nomination Committee on 15 May 2024 regarding the changes to the Council’s constitution as set out below:-


·            To adopt, subject to recommendations 4 and 5 below, the revised Sections of the Constitution of the Council, namely:


a)         Part 2

b)         Part 3: Sections B, C and F

b)         Part 4: Sections A, B, E and F

c)          Part 5: Section C and D

d)         Part 6: Sections B and C

e)         Part 7

f)          Part 8


·            To re-adopt the remainder of the Constitution with the overarching changes set out in section 2 of this report.


·            To note that any changes to the Constitution already approved by the Council since the last review 30 November 2022 will be included in the revised Constitution.


·            To note in relation to Part 3 of the Constitution that responsibility for the discharge of executive functions and the delegation of such responsibility rests with the Leader of the Council and that the recommended delegations of executive functions set out in Part 3 (Sections A, B and F) are for the information of the Council only.


·            To note that, as the Licensing Committee has statutory responsibility for the discharge and delegation of certain licensing authority functions, the proposed delegations of such functions set out in Part 3 (Sections C and F) have been considered and reaffirmed by the Licensing Committee and to that extent are for the information of the Council only.

Supporting documents: