Agenda item
Summary Review of a Premises Licence - Bar 8, Unit 1, Castle Quay, Chester Road, Manchester, M15 4NJ
Now contains additional information as submitted by Greater Manchester Police.
The Hearing Panel considered a report from the Head of Planning, Building Control and Licensing. The Hearing Panel also considered the written papers of the parties submitted and the oral representations of the parties who attended as well as the relevant legislation.
The Premises Licence Holder did not attend the hearing and had not contacted the Licensing Unit in relation to the hearing. In line with the established procedure for such hearings, the Panel considered the oral representations of GMP and the content of the report which also included representations from residents. The Panel heard that the Premises Licence Holder was on police bail and had a bail condition which prevented her from being involved in the management or operation of any licensed premises. The Panel heard that this was as a result of investigation and closure of a premises in a neighbouring authority after police had executed a warrant and uncovered evidence that it was being used to offer sexual services. The PLH and DPS were therefore being investigated in relation to controlling prostitution for gain. The Panel further heard from GMP that a bailiffs’ enforcement notice had been posted on the door of the premises dated 19 January 2024 which was addressed to the PLH and another person and confirming that the lease had been forfeited. The Panel also considered the representations of residents who had cited noise disturbance and antisocial behaviour from patrons of the premises.
In reaching its decision the Hearing Panel gave careful consideration to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy, the Licensing Act 2003, the Regulations made there under and the Guidance issued by the Secretary of State under Section 182 of that Act as well as the licensing objectives.
The Panel considered the Interim Steps decision to suspend the license and agreed that in view of the circumstances the Panel resolved it was appropriate to revoke the licence on the grounds of prevention of Crime and Disorder and Prevention of Public Nuisance.
To revoke the licence on the grounds of prevention of crime and disorder and public nuisance.
Supporting documents:
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298508 COM (Full Hearing) PUBLISH, item 17.
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298508 Appendix 1 (Full hearing) PUBLISH, item 17.
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298508 Appendix 2 (Full hearing) PUBLISH, item 17.
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298508 Appendix 3 (Full Hearing) PUBLISH, item 17.
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298508 Appendix 4 (Full Hearing) PUBLISH, item 17.
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298508 Appendix 5 (Full Hearing) PUBLISH, item 17.
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298508 GMP Bundle (Publish), item 17.