Agenda item
Motion - Exclusion of Pupils from Pupil Referral Units
- Meeting of Council, Wednesday, 28th November, 2018 10.10 am (Item 91.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 91.
Motion proposed and seconded:
Council notes that figures for the most recent academic year show that 169 pupils were exclude from Pupil Referral Units (PRUs). Hundreds of days lost from education for some of Manchester’s most vulnerable young people including looked after children, children with SEND and young people involved in gangs.
Often these young people are already way behind their peers both academically and socially and we know there is a direct correlation between attendance and attainment.
Council believes that continued exclusions serve to exacerbate the underachievement of excluded pupils and puts them at a disadvantage for the rest of their lives. Exclusion also punishes the pupil's family. Parents become solely responsible for their child during the period of their exclusion, working parents now need to find ways of looking after their children during the day
Research shows that a significant proportion of those young people who remain unsupported through exclusion go on to be adults displaying similar or more serious problems of anti-social behaviour and crime.
Council therefore resolves to:
1. Call on the Head of the PRU and leaders of alternative education provision to immediately cease the practice of excluding pupils from the City’s PRUs – exceptions being where there have been threats to life or where they may be a risk of serious injury to staff, pupils or visitors.
2. Ask that the Chief Executive undertakes a thorough review of the policy, procedure and practice of excluding young people from PRUs and reports her findings, with the agreement of the Committee Chair, to the Children’s and Young People Scrutiny Committee by February 2019.
3. Bring forward recommendations to change the practice of exclusions from PRUs to Council via the Executive no later than April 2019
Motion without notice – Suspension of Rule 18.2
The Leader of the Council moved a motion without notice to suspend Council Procedure Rule 18.2, to allow an amendment to be proposed to the Notice of Motion on Exclusions of Pupils from Pupil Referral Units.
The motion was put to Council and voted on, and the Lord Mayor declared that it was carried.
That Council Procedure Rule 18.2, be suspended to allow an amendment to be proposed to the Notice of Motion on Exclusions of Pupils from Pupil Referral Units
Amendment moved by Councillor Stone and seconded by Councillor Russell /-
Resolution 2 final sentence, remove the word “February” and replace with the word “June”.
Resolution 3 final sentence, remove the words “no later than April 2019”
The amendment was put to Council and voted on.
The Lord Mayor declared that the amendment was carried.
The amended Motion was then put and carried unanimously.
Council notes that figures for the most recent academic year show that 169 pupils were exclude from Pupil Referral Units (PRUs). Hundreds of days lost from education for some of Manchester’s most vulnerable young people including looked after children, children with SEND and young people involved in gangs.
Often these young people are already way behind their peers both academically and socially and we know there is a direct correlation between attendance and attainment.
Council believes that continued exclusions serve to exacerbate the underachievement of excluded pupils and puts them at a disadvantage for the rest of their lives. Exclusion also punishes the pupil's family. Parents become solely responsible for their child during the period of their exclusion, working parents now need to find ways of looking after their children during the day
Research shows that a significant proportion of those young people who remain unsupported through exclusion go on to be adults displaying similar or more serious problems of anti-social behaviour and crime.
Council therefore resolves to:
1. Call on the Head of the PRU and leaders of alternative education provision to immediately cease the practice of excluding pupils from the City’s PRUs – exceptions being where there have been threats to life or where they may be a risk of serious injury to staff, pupils or visitors.
2. Ask that the Chief Executive undertakes a thorough review of the policy, procedure and practice of excluding young people from PRUs and reports her findings, with the agreement of the Committee Chair, to the Children’s and Young People Scrutiny Committee by June 2019.
3. Bring forward recommendations to change the practice of exclusions from PRUs to Council via the Executive.
[Councillor Collins declared a prejudicial interest relating to the notice of motion and left the room during for the time the item was considered.]
[Councillor Stone declared a personal interest relating to the notice of motion as a governor of a secondary Pupil Referral Unit.]