Agenda item

Agenda item

Strengthening strategic partnerships across Health and Care with the VCSE sector in Manchester

Report of the MPB VCSE representative and the Joint Director of Equality, Inclusion and Engagement attached


The Board considered a report of the MPB VSCE Representative and the Joint Director of Equality, Inclusion and Engagement that was prepared to raise awareness and galvanise action surrounding the immediate and ongoing issues impacting the VCSE sector as a key strategic partner within the ICS. It is also to confirmed the principles and agreements that would underpin Manchester’s integrated collaborative response to sustaining the sector and integration of their insight, expertise and leadership in the future developments and delivery of the City’s health and care priorities. The report discussed the work and progress delivered to date; key challenges and issues and opportunities.


The MPB VSCE Representative made reference to the significant financial challenges experienced by the sector, with particular reference to the cost-of-living crisis and the additional pressures placed on the demand for services as a result, especially for those organisations who were not contracted. She commented that there was a significant risk of losing valuable services and experienced staff who deliver early intervention and prevention services. She asked that the Board acknowledged these risks and plan to stabalise the sector going forward, noting that this would allow leaders in the sector to participate more widely in forums such as this. She commented that there was an opportunity to redeploy existing VCSE resources to address health inequalities in Manchester, noting that there were experts in various fields across the VCSE that should be around the table and part of wider discussions and utilising this knowledge to inform strategic developments and planning. She asked the Board to approve the recommendations presented within the paper.


The Chief Executive Manchester Local Care Organisation made reference to the benefits of working collaboratively with the VCSE, particularly in regard to contracts and commissioning, noting that this learning would be shared. She also referred to the this learning from experience to develop a strength of voice by bringing VCSE partners together, noting that there were many positive examples of this approach and the benefits realised. She commented that she would be happy to support this work.


The Executive Member for Healthy Manchester and Adult Social Care, MCC stated that he fully supported the recommendation to the establishment a system-wide task and finish group to work on a Manchester-specific VCSE Strategic Plan to support the delivery of MPBs priorities and align the GM Accord in a way that is relevant to Manchester, addresses local barriers, builds on local strengths, supports the city’s strategic plans, and meets the needs of our citizens. He commented that whoever convened this task and finish group should ensure that the correct partners were present at meeting. The Deputy Place-Based Lead acknowledged the previous contributions and noted that this would be an opportunity to build upon and harness the strengths that already existed in Manchester, and he would be happy to lead on this work.  The Chief Executive Manchester City Council (Manchester Place Based Lead) commented that this would present an opportunity for timely reset, and it would be a useful exercise to map current VCSE provision as a base line exercise. She commented that a key objective of the task and finish group should be to consider opportunities and actions to stabilise the sector going forward (including the deployment of resources across the system as a whole). The Chair commented that any task and finish group should be focused, use existing intelligence and information to deliver tangible recommendations. Partners across the Board commented that they would support and contribute to the work of the task and finish group and support the sector wherever practically possible.


The Joint Director of Equality and Engagement stated that she welcomed the support and steer from the Board and stated that an interim report would be submitted to the June meeting. The VCSE Representative commented that she welcomed the support from the Board for the VCSE to lead on this work with the support of partners.




The Board note the report.

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